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So last night I was playing and came across a helicopter crash site. As I was searching the place a guy appeared in front of me in a ghillie suit. I just assumed I had overlooked him, and was mad at myself for not being cautious enough. Thankfully he didn't shoot, but he seemed shifty. I decided I didnt want to stick around so I took off. As I ran away I noticed the whole horizon was on fire. Anybody else had anything like this happen? As I ran I realized the dude was teleporting onto my position time after time, so I left the server.

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Yep. Also had a similar thing happen and the dude was farting rainbow smoke.

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Yeah, my brother, a couple of friends, and I were on a server and half of Electro was demolished and on fire. My brother took a screen shot of it which I will post later.

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One thing that can cause this is if someone has crashed the heli. I believe there is a bug with the resulting fire effect being much larger than it would be from an actual crash. And obviously hackers can also trigger this effect by scripting in large explosions (nukes?).

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I think SystemiK got it. I've seen the bug where the sky seems to be on fire, but it sounds like you ran into a hacker mate, well done for fleeing while staying alive :)

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I think SystemiK got it. I've seen the bug where the sky seems to be on fire, but it sounds like you ran into a hacker mate, well done for fleeing while staying alive :)

I figured as much. Yeah I was glad to make it out of there, had too much cool crap to lose to that jerk!

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