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Help with some Log stuffes...

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hi there,

in my server, i have some player who are teleporting themselves and other players.

I have looking in logs (the .RPT one) and found some stranges lines for me :

10:38:05 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:305:275:[231,[4817.34,2556.91,0.0118961]]:0.198247:""
10:38:05 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:306:275:[["wheel_2_1_steering",1],["wheel_2_2_steering",1],["motor",0.8]]:0.0669291:""
10:38:06 "Locality Event"
10:38:06 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:305:0:[289,[1294.79,8392.97,0.0115967]]:0:""
10:38:07 "Locality Event"
10:38:07 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:309:12948839300289:[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]:""
10:38:07 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:306:0:[]:0:""

i assume that line starting with 10:38:11 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:305:275: are line tracing a vehicule (here 275 is the vehicule ID)

and what about 10:38:06 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:305:0:[289,[1294.79,8392.97,0.0115967]]:0:"", i have no vehicule with the ID "0", is it related with the last vehicule trace ? (in this case, it seems that this vehicule is teleporting) or is this completly a different thing ?

(dayz antihax and bec are installed and running with the latest Updated files)

I hope for a day without cheaters on my servers.....

thanks for the answers you can give to me :)

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No, i dont use this file, this file is new, i have it since 2 days, before, this file doesn't exist on my server (vilayer public hive, this case is for a player connected on 7 september...)

I will take a look at the file you say, but what i will found in it ?

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it will create a setpos.log with people moving stuff around, any suspicious teleporting will be there.

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Ok, thanks for the information, so if a guy appear multiple time in a row (and in short time lapse) with positions far away each other, it will be a teleport :) (considering vehicules too of course) :)

Nice stuff so to track Teleporter down :)

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