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Looking for Oceanic Squad

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Hey there.

IGN: k1infran.

Age: 22

Location: Singapore (however i'm capable of going US/DE servers at 180ping.)

Playtime: Holidays so... Anytime~

Contact: Skype/Steam both IDs : k1infran

Looking for a squad to play with, want to be PDM(Permanently Designated Marksman). Have competitive Team FPS background work well in team. I don't mind being in a foreign team but communicate in English please.

Played Dayz for 1 month plus I know the map well enough already. Knowledge of the game would be about 9/10.

Willing to play in Chernarus or Lingor Island only.

For more info just pm me.

Happy Dayz-ing! ^_^

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bump~ willing to guide players who play regularly to learn about squad tactics :)

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