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Hacker on [BRA#1] On2Play 2986

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Server: [bRA#1] On2Play 2986

Time: 1:55 - 1:58 AM EST

What Happened: Well, I loaded in by the shore and what do I see? About every vehicle in the game in one location, boats, heli's, ATV's, Bus's all of em. There was a guy sitting on the other side of a car and I went over to ask him how he was, and how long it took to get all the vehicles there, he responded " I found it all" and proceeded to shoot and kill me with a Sniper Rifle with what looked like a desert camo scope on it, don't remember that being in DayZ. Didn't get his name, but maybe check server logs for who killed "404 Sharlandra" around the time of incident and see if that same person was scripting for cars.

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