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hooligan (DayZ)

S6 looking for small clan/group for opposition...

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hooligan here from S6

just got this private hive...

basically just looking for an organized group of decent players that we can trust not to hack or cheat in anyway.

preferably 4-6 player group or a couple of 2-3 player groups, most my side would have is around 4-5.

side chat enabled

veteran with 3DP ON

requires password

helicopters, the whole nine

private message me or post in this thread if you're interested

btw, Acebane doesn't really play anymore so i wouldn't expect him on that much.

Edited by hooligan
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Grid coords are in the log files.....

maybe, but we have no idea how to access or even read that shit. especially since it's ran by a 3rd party

look up s6 acebane on youtube, plenty vids of us to show that we're a fair clan

i'm sure someone here can vouch for us on that

Edited by hooligan

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I can vouch for them. We (BSM/Rebel regiment alliance) were playing S6 on US#330 I think it was, untill they got their own server.. had some nice fights (:

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Hey I'm looking to build a team of friendly players and spread it from a single game console clan to a more universal clan across multiple games on PC; noticed a lot of people looking for people to team up with, so I'll probably re-post this about the forum and find some legitimate friendly's, I don't want to get burnt.

I have but one condition, providing we are able to get in the same server and can join up at appropriate times; I will only start from scratch with new people, as that way both parties have nothing to loose or gain out of betraying each other. Also I have other games on Stream we could play first to get to know each other beforehand, such as; GMoD and specifically Trouble in Terrorist Town.

Info about me:

Age: 20

Accounts: Steam, Skype and PSN (Add me on either or all of these)

Time Zone: GMT (Can usually can join most servers including one's in the U.S)

Team Mates: currently got one person I play DayZ with and trust, plus two others I know who will be joining us reasonably soon

Experience: followed this game from about three weeks after its release; mostly learning from YouTube. Wasn't able to play properly until fairly recently as my laptop at the time was useless

Time played: about 16 hours over the last four days or so and a fair bit before hand

Survival times: once I get going; at-least a few hours

Accomplishments: Manged to successfully raid bandit/hacker/hoarders camps and escape alive with lots of loot, including:

ghillie suits, NVG's, Range finders, three vehicles, AS50's, M4A1 CCO SD and others stuff in past life's

Humanity: 25000 basically the stand it is when you start

Motive/disposition: Will kill on sight only if threatened but generally will avoid other player encounters or talk my way out, usually strafing as I do and making a quick exit with bullets wizing past my head. Want to eventually create a team for the purpose of hunting Bandits snipers

Send me a private message or reply to this post if you're interested; then we can discuss this further and arrange something.

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I can vouch for them. We (BSM/Rebel regiment alliance) were playing S6 on US#330 I think it was, untill they got their own server.. had some nice fights (:

good fights indeed :)

shame vilayer had all those issues, i remember that day like yesterday, there would have been a huge battle if vilayer didn't drop the ball on your server

why don't you guys migrate to our server??

Edited by hooligan

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I would like to join you, add me on skype if you are still looking! felix.jansspn

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good fights indeed :)

shame vilayer had all those issues, i remember that day like yesterday, there would have been a huge battle if vilayer didn't drop the ball on your server

why don't you guys migrate to our server??

One of our admins bought his own server so we play there now.. it was horrible playing on US servers :P

Actually sometimes we joke around invading your server for a laugh haha.. but we would obviously have to gear up first.. so its a bit shit if you guys got all the big guns ;D

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