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Best day in DayZ

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Hey there, I just got off like an hour and a half ago, and had the best DayZ experince I've had yet. It started out on a server and me and a friend ( vampirezebra ) just joined. I was at the topalka dam, and wa headed to the balota airfield to help him. To the left of the fire station there was a whole bunch of dead people with a whole bunch of supplies. I got an AS50, Mk 48 mod 0, a M9 sd, gps, range finder, and a radio everything. I then head for the airfield when i saw a helicopter. It was upside down? for some reason. anyway it took off before i could try to get a few shots in. The helicopter seemed like it was following me as i could hear it get closer and closer as if it was landing when i stood still, So we switched servers.

I started towards balota when i saw some random player. I thought it was my friend, but it ended up being somebody else. His name was nununununnunun or something AKA benji. He had a coyote backpack, but nothing else. I was low on food and asked him if he had any, but he didn't. I went in my gear and came out and accidentally shot him. I said sorry and healed him. He then asked if he could join me and my friend so i skyped him and we started to loot. My friend died so he started to run to us. The server was going to go down in 10 minutes so we were going to run in a take whatever we could, but we saw a bus and a lot of people. They were dangerous so i started to shoot them with my AS50. I gave my other gun to benji. I killed some people and they were returning fire. The bus had some how gotten around us and was behind us. I shot the driver and we got in the bus, but someone shot and almost killed benji. i got out and killed him. my friend then made it too us, and he thought someone else was me, but it was a freshely spawned bandit, so i shot him. My friend made his way towards me when another bandit with a silenced weapon killed him, and started shooting at me and benji, so i killed him. It was all over and i noticed that i was now, sadly, a BADNIT. NOOOOOO. I then switched servers agian with my friend and benji. ( i noticed that my bandit skin was gone, and the humanity was at zero so i dont, know if i still am one.)

I ended up dying at the ACT, and benji got my gear. I went to the server with all the gear and got everything, but this time got a silenced rifle instead of a Mk. I logged into another server because my friend was at the fire station near the church in elektro. He found a FN FAL with 12 mags in a tent. Also we found a m14 aim. We stook around there for another 30min the whole time i heard shots, but no one else did. We went out the door, and someone started to snipe at us. We ran in the fire station and then to the church. Benji logged off, and me and my friend again found another server. In that server we found a yellow old hatchback in the middle of the church with a FN FAL, FN FAL with the scope, DMR, L85, and some supplies. It was seriously the most fun I've had in DayZ yet.

Anyways thats my favorite day in DayZ, and i made this thread so you could know mine and i could hear yours. I would really find it intresting to read some other DayZ players story.

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Sounds intense. Our best day was probably finding a chopper and SO. MANY. EMPTY. JERRY CANS. Needless to say, we geared up hopped in and terrorized Chernogorsk for a while, until stupid me switched seats by accident and crashed us. Aaron and David..they weren't happy.

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sounds good aside from all the logging out from combat and bat situations which to me is weak.

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sounds good aside from all the logging out from combat and bat situations which to me is weak.

Well usually i would agree, but the first time my friend was in dire need of help, but i couldnt get to him because of the chopper. The second time we had to becuase the server was about to go down. Lastly the third time when the sniper was shooting at us my friend had got shot, and we couldnt make it to the hospital without the sniper gunning us down. I would have tried to find him, but every time i tried he took a shot. If he had shot us and we would have died, but we logged off depriving him of gear than i would say that it was weak, but that was not the case.

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our best day was yesterday actually. Me and my two friends had finally geared up and met at the NW airfield. i had dropped some STANAG mags for my friend on the roof of the firehouse, but for some reason he couldn't find them. i was near the edge of the roof in free look and presssed W to go to the middle of the roof when in reality i walked off the roof to my death. lets say some choice words were said. anyway, i ended up dying a few times before i cam across a dead player with a CZ and an alice with a map, food, compass, drinks and a magnum. So i was pretty much set to venture up north. so, after trekking up north and meeting one of my friends. we decided to loot the bodies around the Airfield ( there had been a pretty substantial firefight the night before i guess) we endu up with qite the arsenal of weaponry and one of us has a Coyote pack. all in all a good day.

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