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Adriano firefox logger

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on US 1584 at about 930pm CST, adriano and his boys initiated a firefight with our group. when they started gettin' their butts kicked, he combat logged. btw, we blew your bus up.

danilo was one of their guys also

edit: topic = firefight

Edited by Buzzkillington

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It's unfortunate but Derpy is right, nothing you can do about Combat Loggers, unless you catch the proof on video there's no way for a server admin to legitimately uphold banning them.

Take my viewpoint on the ordeal, in a survival situation, to the victor go the spoils, you won that fight, even if your kill count doesn't show it, the only thing you lost out on is whatever that guy had in his bags, and you got his bus. The threat was averted, you came out ahead of where you were before, you technically still won.

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