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Trouble updating ARMA 2 OA on DayZ

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This may be a repost but im very frustrated with this right now.

here is my problem. i updated EVERYthing except Arma 2 OA on DayZ. When i click on it it says "Arma2OA path unknown, check settings" So i go into settings and check the path. Override is checked. Also when i load up DayZ Commander a window pops up that says that i dont have Arma 2 Combined Operations installed and wants me to buy it again.. I have NO idea what to do. any help??

Below are screenshots of the problems i'm having.

post-111014-0-56441100-1347844789_thumb. post-111014-0-04107900-1347844797_thumb. post-111014-0-69402300-1347844804_thumb.

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same here, tho i somehow managed to make it worst now im getting this with playwithsix


Initially I had DayzCommander prompting that same window as you posted but now(after I relaunched A2:AO through steam) it says: "Cannot delete existing ARMA2 files..." when i try to update to the latest beta patch. I already tried checking the steam options in settings...

Then I tried to update manually and setup gave me yet another error:


Edited by lucso

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This may be a repost but im very frustrated with this right now.

here is my problem. i updated EVERYthing except Arma 2 OA on DayZ. When i click on it it says "Arma2OA path unknown, check settings" So i go into settings and check the path. Override is checked. Also when i load up DayZ Commander a window pops up that says that i dont have Arma 2 Combined Operations installed and wants me to buy it again.. I have NO idea what to do. any help??

Below are screenshots of the problems i'm having.

post-111014-0-56441100-1347844789_thumb. post-111014-0-04107900-1347844797_thumb. post-111014-0-69402300-1347844804_thumb.

  1. Uncheck override on all three of those boxes.
  2. Close commander
  3. Run Arma2, exit the game.
  4. Run Arma2 OA, exit the game.
  5. Run Commander again.
  6. Play

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  1. Uncheck override on all three of those boxes.
  2. Close commander
  3. Run Arma2, exit the game.
  4. Run Arma2 OA, exit the game.
  5. Run Commander again.
  6. Play

Nope doesnt do the trick..

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Make sure your directories are in the right place. Look at all of them. Only set the directory to the FOLDER Of where the game is.

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I'd redownload and reinstall.. it looks like your game files are corrupt.

Might be a stupid question but - in my steam, only arma II OA shows (not arma II). How do i redownload and reinstall, without purchasing the game again?

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  1. Uncheck override on all three of those boxes.
  2. Close commander
  3. Run Arma2, exit the game.
  4. Run Arma2 OA, exit the game.
  5. Run Commander again.
  6. Play


follow the tip and enjoy!

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