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Status reset?

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Hey there

I've been playing DayZ a while and I've been murdering people left right and centre thanks to me learning how to play the game but I regret that now and I know this sounds really daft but could one of the Mods / Admins do a stat reset for me please? I'm just trying to be a better person and go bandit hunting now and I really don't think I can be trusted with my -40k humanity

Plus the Hero skin looks dapper and I'd really like to be running around in it rather than in my "rag head"

Thanks in advance.

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Nobody can help you here bud, you made your bed so lie in it.

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Yeah I've been playing in my Rag-head for a damned long time now, rather fed up of it which is why I asked for the Status reset.

But fine by me I'll just try and heal all the n00bs that'll shoot me on sight rather than let me blood transfuse them.

Shame you don't get positive humanity for shooting Bandits...

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