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DayZ Addict

adjustable camo

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i would like it so much if rocket could implement being able to find camo nets gun size in the game and maybe being able to find material to make them or just being able to put leaves on your gun so i dont have to get a svd camo to have a good camo gun for sniping thank you so much if you implement this

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this would make the svd pointless seeing as it sucks donkey ass. maybe implement another gun with camo like the m40a3 with zeroing. it would be nice if rocket is going to take the idea of attachments from the warz though, the idea of finding scopes, grips and silencers would just be amazing!

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Watch out now, soon someone will start crying about snipers in 3...2.... 1.... (its funny how this happens in any game)

I agree with camo net in various sizes (handgun -> vehicle(chopper).

Edited by Zeppa

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hey guys i appreciate that you guys like my idea or so-so about it but if you read the thread they are going to make sniping realistic u aim down the sight and the outside is blurry instead of black i dont know if that will have that much of a effect well have to see it will proboboly make you focus less sort of my opinion. and zeppa i agree with your idea for sizes of nets like chopper truck gun handgun etc. but maybe veicles would be horded make a camo net so its like invisible put your uaz in like the middle of a few bush's and boom its almost invisible i see that as awesome because when dayZ comes out ima go find myslef a uaz or atv or something park it in bush and store it in there 8D and FFS GIMME A BETA FOR DAYZ I NEEDS IT

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