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Elektro Hill Police

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Hello, lovely community.

Just recently I got sniped again as a fresh spawn at the church in Elektro. I spawned near cherno, got myself a weapon and went back to Elektro to hunt those pesky snipers on the hill. I am usually not the confrontational type, but I found it surprisingly amusing to run down the hill like a maniac and scaring the living doodoo out of these snipers laying prone in the bushes. Most of them Alt+F4'ed and I get shot pretty much everytime, but it was still quite amusing.

Here is where you come into play: If I can wreck havoc on a full server by myself, it would probably be even more fun to do some hill cleanup as a squad.

If you are as sick of camping snipers as I am, or want some high end loot without much effort (but at high risk), or just want to have some chaotic fun, join me as part of the Elektro Hill Police. Let us search highly populated servers together, kill some camping snipers and maybe indirectly save the lives of some new spawns.

PM me here, add me on skype (majorpayne67) or visit the ts3 server (Channel: Elektro Hill Police, Password: dayz)

No entrance exam or clan tags required. Just a gun, a headset and no fear of death.

TL;DR: Join me killing camping snipers on the elektro hill. PM, skype (majorpayne67) or ts3 (, Channel: Elektro Hill Police, Password: dayz)



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