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Teleported right middle of a ocean.

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So I found camo outfit and used it. After logging out and logging back in I found myself in the middle of ocean. I gathered my items for good 6-8 hours.

Is there any actual way you could recover my items. Im not really fond of wasting yet another 6-8 hours finding AKM, M1911, G17 etc..


Date/Time: 13/06 and GMT +3 18:00

What happened: Looted Camo suit, put it on, and after relogging found myself middle of ocean.

Where you were: Somewhere between Stary Novor and Green Mountain

What you were doing: Running to Green Mountain?

*Current installed version: 1.7.0

*Server(s) you were on: Some Dallas server.

*Your system specs: AMD Athlon II X4 630 2,80GHz , ATI Radeon 5700 Series, 5GB DDR3 1,333

*Timeline of events before/after error: Logged out with my gear and logged in without it.

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Me too...

What happened: Looted Camo suit, put it on, and after relogging found myself middle of ocean.

Where you were: Somewhere Vishnoye.

Nick: [sOE] Pitbull.RJ

Player ID: 4334854

Server: DayZ BRA2 - Hosted by CoalizaoBrasil.com

Plz, help me...

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same here...

it all started when i was crawling through Dolina in the middle of the map, in desperate need of painkillers... i checked a near by porter potty. Damn nothing but ammo and bandages, try to get a final look at the loot i decide to close the door.. i hear a *Crack* and realize i shut my fucking leg in the door. now i can only crawl and i must find painkillers and morphine, i realize that dayz is a world of torment and despair. In despite of my broken leg and my Cerebral palsy i keep on trucking. i find a house that looks like a great place to find some painkillers and morphine. Trying to prone through the door is a challenge and i happen to break more bones and now i am bleeding out, thank god i had a bandage. i continue on my journey crawling to the next town which is 3 km's away find a small house on the outside of town and some camo gear inside of it. i equipt the suit and realize that my broken bone indicator is still lit but i can run/walk. being happy i message a friend and ask him to meet me in a different server so he can bring me some PK's and Morphine. now i am in a fucking ocean after at least 12 ingame hours on this character with all my shit gone.

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I found a Camo suit yesterday and when i re logged in today i was in the middle of the ocean with my items missing :[

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Put a camo suit on, spawned in middle of ocean after logoff. Thought it was fluke, was stupid enough to put another camo suit on, wound up in ocean after logoff...

Camo = spawn in ocean.

Also, it resets all your stats when you put a skin on.

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Same Problem with Ghillie Suit.

Put it on, relogged.

Got teleported to the very western edge of the map, near the coast.

Lost all gear that was not in my pack.

Kept my tools ( hatchet, knife, watch).

Lost Shotgun /w flashlight, makarov, ammo for both & binocs.

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Happened to me the other day aswell. Thinking it was a one off thing I put some Camo on again last night. After seeing that other people have the same problem I did a few days ago im now terrified of logging back into the game.

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Today I was in Elektro and found a Ghillie suit. I put it on, wore it for a few minutes then decided I prefer the civvies to the Ghillie suit at least while in the city. So, I put my civvies back on. I had to take care of some real life business so I logged off. However when I logged back in later, I find myself in the middle of the friggin' ocean.

Since this is a pretty well known issue, how do we resolve this and where are you guys on getting a fix out for this? Yes, I am aware that this is an alpha and some things just aren't going to work for shit just yet. But this seems to be a pretty major issue.

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