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US 3357

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Server Name: US 3357

(Your) Timezone: GMT+10

Date/Time: Not 100% sure of the ban date\time, but I was on the server last on the 16/09/2012 and logged off at about 12:30 am.

Server Administrator('s): Unsure

What happened: I don't know. No hacks or cheats were used. The events of that night were: Logged in, explored cherno with a friend for a while and we came across a van with weapons\ammo\supplies in it. We took that and drove to the north-western airfield, raided that for more supplies. We then travelled south, and came across two helicopter crash sites, looted them and then travelled even further south to a small barn where we parked the van and logged out.

Evidence/Proof: I have a video of us travelling around in the van if that counts? (Will upload to YouTube if needed) Otherwise, not sure what to put here.

Edit: Updated "What Happened"

Edit 2: My friend who was with me the entire time, isn't banned. His player name is "Zangetsu"

Edited by Swi7chblade
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Zangetsu here :3 . Can confirm that I haven't been banned and that swi7ch is telling the truth about the events that passed.

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