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some ideas to make the game harder in PvE

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How about more zombies overall, making them walk in groups. With that(!) make zombies different - single zombie should be NO problem, you shouldn't even take damage most of the time fighting it with an axe. Three zombies or more? You're in deep shit. How to accomplish that? For example when a zombie strikes you, you would become disoriented and lose quite some stamina. Yes this would require a stamina system which should be a good idea anyways.

How about making it impossible to have all the items at once? So you could be a hunter with hunting knife, axe, matches and a flashlight, but can't at the same time carry all the other things like tool box, entrenching tools etc.

Maybe add new items for weapon maintenance and other things.

The former two ideas combined would mean you HAVE to have a group or a pretty save tent if you really want to play alone, otherwise you will not be able to do everything on your own.

Get rid of the night vision. Yes, there, I said it. It's stupid.

Carrying stuff shouldn't be "x spaces" only. It should be a combination of volume (in liters) and weight (in kg). You can fit so and so much volume into your inventory(pockets) and backpack, however heavy that may be (to a limit...), but carrying heavy stuff should slow you down and drain your stamina (see above) faster.

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I disagree with two points here.

Mainly the inability to hold all the tools, as there's quite a few solo players who either don't want to group or have had bad experiences with groups. Forcing people to play cooperatively is against the ethos of the mod, I believe.

Also, on a more personal note, as I prefer playing at night, don't get rid of NVGs. They're fucking required to play at night if there's any cloud cover at all, or you can't see a damned thing. If you get rid of NVGs you have to shorten the cycle so that you aren't stuck on night for 8 hours or so, and they don't want to do that.

Completely agree with the stamina thing, and the inventory system, aside from the fact that it makes it into micromanagement which is annoying in a game such as this, imo

Edited by Ipurgepeople
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I agree with "get rid of NVG" thing, or at least make them run from batteries that are drained like in half an hour. Could be a basic currency in line with ammo rounds..

Also make the torch light forward, even with some shaking, when you fast walking and running.

Stamina thing also a must, should slow u down to a walk after 2-3 kilometers of running..

Edited by theanes
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Night IS a good thing cause you can't see shit. And I like SoWeMeetAgain ideas. You shouldn't be able to carry all the things from the toolbelt. It would force you to team up which is good thing (banditry would stay too, it is good thing too :D ).

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I hadn't considered a stamina system. The way you discribe it remindes me of how it is implemented in dark souls. You can easily handle one or two guys no sweat, but three or four guys hitting you at once can quickly bring you to your knees! I really like dark souls gameplay and I think that a simular stamina mechanic wouldn't be out of place at all. (or at the least, worth a try!)

EDIT: But then again, in dark souls your stamina is only effected when you use your shield (and swing your sword/whatever). So you would have to find a way to make this specific idea translate...

Edited by Hoik
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  On 9/16/2012 at 6:43 AM, Ipurgepeople said:

I disagree with two points here.

Mainly the inability to hold all the tools, as there's quite a few solo players who either don't want to group or have had bad experiences with groups. Forcing people to play cooperatively is against the ethos of the mod, I believe.

Well, it would surely make playing together much easier than playing solo, but you could still do it. Just a real hassle when your boots get worn out and you don't have the necessary tools eg.

Having all that stuff in your "tool belt" is kinda unrealistic as well :D

Also, on a more personal note, as I prefer playing at night, don't get rid of NVGs. They're fucking required to play at night if there's any cloud cover at all, or you can't see a damned thing. If you get rid of NVGs you have to shorten the cycle so that you aren't stuck on night for 8 hours or so, and they don't want to do that.
I actually love playing at night, too. Try using chemlights and road flares, they have a real nice glow :)

Also the flashlight isn't completely useless (if not all other players would have duped night visions) ...

Maybe make flashlights use batteries too (good idea, theanes) and maybe with some duct tape you could fix them to a weapon.

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I completely agree on the night vision part. This would make flashlights mean even more than before. I love doing night raids with flares, it's fun.

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I Agree with having more zombies, it would make running into towns more intense, also make them harder to kill, say only a head shot will kill them, and they should run at 4/5s our run speed. While that may seem like a nerf its countered by having to headshot and the fact that theres 20 more right beside the one you just killed, how much ammo do you have?? might be better to run. Aslo! Also! same speed INSIDE! yeah thats right can't loose em just my ducking in that shed and out the other side, maybe if you shut the door they would have to stop to open it.

Also the stamina thing is a good idea, and leave NVGs in. you can get them at Military spawns, don't hate cause of the current state of the mod, think to the future my friend.

I think its a good idea to not be able to carry all the tools, pick and choose its all part of survival. better inventory system would allow for some leeway with this. Like a watch.. its on your wrist it should just be noted if you have one or not. map could be in a pocket also just noted to have one or not, compass is small usually has a neck chain. so all the current tools really shouldn't be tools but just something you pickup so you have it, knife is debatable; stick it in your boot? Also what tools will be added?? we would all like to carry everything around with us but honestly,we can't.

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