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I am sorry about your time on this, but the week will be killed if they are not are good at living.

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Brink, unless you're planning on ripping up a calendar, you mean 'weak'.

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People that think they want to play coop vs zombies wouldn't be happy, they would quit after a couple of days because the game would be boring.

Nah that is wishful thinking, they would come back to the forums to complain some more.

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If you don't like the "PvP" eliment in this game and just want a Zombie survival exprieance check out http://projectzomboid.com/blog/ . It hasen't a multiplayer eliment yet and is also in alpha. Have a read and try the demo, though there are more recent versions if you "support" the guys there.

An interesting diversion and a bit more carebear friendly..

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creating a seperate database for a non pvp server would just be a waste of time and money, the few people that actually would play it would probably get bored within a week and stop playing

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Zombie survival SIMULATOR carebear style.

Im sorry but this should never be allowed. Ever.

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This is why the whole ARMA community is so very tiny. The guy just asked a simple question and then all you interweb hero's come in here and start being pricks. Your a bunch of self diluted weasels that think because your can play a video game that somehow you matter in the world.

The guy has the right to ask the question' date=' take a hit off your asthma inhalers and stfu.


This guy is 100% correct and he gets a golf clap.

Also, as a sidenote of everyone talking down to OP because he wants a PVE server.....anyone ever played Domination on Arma and Arma 2?

That's a PVE server. They do quite well on normal Arma servers.

Why couldn't they do a DayZ Domination type server or two for the people just wanting to kill Zeds and stay away from the PVP?

Before you bash the guy, use a little empathy. Not everyone likes playing like you do.

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personally i think having a non pvp server would ruin the game, but hey.. ill just avoid them servers.

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Unfortunately some people aren't looking at the bigger picture on the consequences of having PvE and PvP server types could have on the entire community. DayZ is a persistent world, World of Warcraft is somewhat persisent; however everyone in WoW has an equal enough chance to get the gear they want - bosses have fixed loot tables and drop several piece of highgrade loot when you down them.

Another reason, WoW is not persistent over all of its servers - its servers are unique and detached from the rest of them, someone couldn't grind themselves up on a PvE without their leveling being interupted in contested areas then hop over to a PvP server and smash people trying to level up. Unless we bring character transfer fees but we all know its a sadistic form of microtransaction that shouldn't be allowed in the first place.

PvE'ers your going to have to find a way to go about your Zed killing with a minimal saftey but PvPers are and SHOULD be allowed out there to kill you if they so wish. I play EVE Online; I have 3 accounts and live in 0.0 with them solidly (and have done for quite some time). It's a dangerous environment and you have to adapt.


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Why are you attacking the guy just cause he asked a question?

non-PvP server would be a good Idea and if you dont like it avoid the server.

although looting would be much easier...

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Servers will get independent databases soon (I hope!) After that happens sure, if there is someone willing to host a PVE server I say let them. There is an obvious player base that would at least like to try it that way... even if the server gets empty after a week at least it's an experiment that's been tried. If it's successful what's the worst that can happen? You end up with a bigger player base?

Don't worry, there would still be other threads to hack and troll on.

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If there was a non-pvp database, it could work, but I don't see that happening in the near future.

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