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A Metal Viking

Looking for DayZ Partner to join group of about 3 Regulars

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Prefer the more serious type I guess, but good to have a laugh,

and a MIC is a must.

Age of 18+

Good if your on regulary.

We are a decent group of players that take a more tactical approach.

We also mostly aim to engage other players.

We are from the UK.

Message me if interested,

We use Skype and Mumble atm, Talk soon maybe =)

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Hey there, 19 yo, From bristol in the UK, Very regular player and i have played since alpha release in a tactical squad manner which you guys seem to enjoy, My previous squad all apart from me have either stopped playing or have joined other squads, Jay_Ringham is my skype, Message me and we can meet up

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Would be great to play with some UK players. Trying to be a regular player and still somewhat new to DayZ, but like to play in a tactical manner, like to take it seriously but have a good time as well. Message me and we can meet up.

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Wouldnt mind joining ya mate been wanting to get into a group feel like it will get me playing DayZ more so hit me up a message if you want me to join

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