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Message about server being locked.

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This post is in regards to a message we received about our server being locked and asking why. Yes, it was locked and I'm here to offer an explanation as to why. Twice within a couple hours our server was hacked. Now, as most of the players of DayZ know, especially admins, DayZ is infested with cheaters and or hacks, usually one in the same but not always. As players we chose to not have to deal with that as much as possible which is why we rented our own server. We've read the server "rules" and we try to abide by them as much as possible and would love nothing more then to have a server where anyone can come and enjoy a cheat free DayZ experience, and we do our best to keep it that way. But when we are hacked twice within 2 hours and at least once a week how can the DayZ staff or Rocket himself expect us to keep our server open? Why should our DayZ experience be ruined by a bunch of cheaters and or hackers who have nothing better to do then to ruin anothers good time? We payed good money for this game and good money for our server and should have a right to keep it as cheat free as possible. If keeping it cheat and hack free means locking our server then we should be able to do so freely.

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I've been considering to do this myself. Fuck the hackers! If there aren't any server to play on, maybe they'll fuck off.

Might do this tomorrow.

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Why not move to a private hive? You can password it, lock it, even turn Battleye off if you want. Essentially the only thing you can't do is take gear in and out from other "main hive" servers.

Now that's not to say a private hive is going to be hack-free, but you'll have more control.

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Why not move to a private hive? You can password it, lock it, even turn Battleye off if you want. Essentially the only thing you can't do is take gear in and out from other "main hive" servers.

Now that's not to say a private hive is going to be hack-free, but you'll have more control.

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We payed good money for this game and good money for our server and should have a right to keep it as cheat free as possible. If keeping it cheat and hack free means locking our server then we should be able to do so freely.

You've paid $0 for this mod, and you electing to pay monthly for a DayZ server (like I pay for my DayZ server) entitles you to nothing. You elected to pay for a server to host an Alpha Mod that you should have known going into it (assuming you played the game before buying a server) borderline encourages hacking with its engine. You can't just elect to pay for a server on your own and then complain about what you knew was going to happen. I'm sick of self-entitled server admins making us good admins look bad.

As has been stated, just go make a private hive! Then no one gives two shits what you do with your server. Just do it, make a private hive. Stop the cry posts.

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You've paid $0 for this mod, and you electing to pay monthly for a DayZ server (like I pay for my DayZ server) entitles you to nothing. You elected to pay for a server to host an Alpha Mod that you should have known going into it (assuming you played the game before buying a server) borderline encourages hacking with its engine. You can't just elect to pay for a server on your own and then complain about what you knew was going to happen. I'm sick of self-entitled server admins making us good admins look bad.

As has been stated, just go make a private hive! Then no one gives two shits what you do with your server. Just do it, make a private hive. Stop the cry posts.

You've paid $0 for this mod, and you electing to pay monthly for a DayZ server (like I pay for my DayZ server) entitles you to nothing. You elected to pay for a server to host an Alpha Mod that you should have known going into it (assuming you played the game before buying a server) borderline encourages hacking with its engine. You can't just elect to pay for a server on your own and then complain about what you knew was going to happen. I'm sick of self-entitled server admins making us good admins look bad.

As has been stated, just go make a private hive! Then no one gives two shits what you do with your server. Just do it, make a private hive. Stop the cry posts.

I absolutely paid money for this game $40 to be exact and paying monthly for a server doesn't change the fact that as much as Rocket and his DayZ staff say they are against cheating/hacking it runs rampid in "his" game. I have played many games both in Alpha and Beta and not one of them has near the cheating/hacking that "his" game does. Also, DayZ has been out long enough that alot of these issues should have been addressed and fixed. Not to mention the numerous bugs still in game i.e. zombies glitching through walls. Simple things that a dedicated game developer who truely wants his game to be the best would have fixed. Now I understand going to game cons and getting the word out about DayZ is tough work and I'm sure he doesn't have the time he used to, to work personally on his game, probably why he hired a staff. Again, doesn't change anything I've said. I can honestly say this is the best/worst game I've played in awhile.

"Self entitled" If self entitled means I would like an enjoyable cheat/hack free( as much as possible anyway) gaming experience, then so be it. If thats the case tho, then 95% of the DayZ community is "self-entitled"

And what makes you a good admin? The fact you don't complain about all the bullshit on "your" server? Does cheating not bother you? Do you condone hacking/cheating? Do it yourself maybe?

Just because you don't complain about it doesn't make you a good or bad admin. I thank you for your response anyway tho.

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You've paid $0 for this mod, and you electing to pay monthly for a DayZ server (like I pay for my DayZ server) entitles you to nothing. You elected to pay for a server to host an Alpha Mod that you should have known going into it (assuming you played the game before buying a server) borderline encourages hacking with its engine. You can't just elect to pay for a server on your own and then complain about what you knew was going to happen. I'm sick of self-entitled server admins making us good admins look bad.

As has been stated, just go make a private hive! Then no one gives two shits what you do with your server. Just do it, make a private hive. Stop the cry posts.

You've paid $0 for this mod, and you electing to pay monthly for a DayZ server (like I pay for my DayZ server) entitles you to nothing. You elected to pay for a server to host an Alpha Mod that you should have known going into it (assuming you played the game before buying a server) borderline encourages hacking with its engine. You can't just elect to pay for a server on your own and then complain about what you knew was going to happen. I'm sick of self-entitled server admins making us good admins look bad.

As has been stated, just go make a private hive! Then no one gives two shits what you do with your server. Just do it, make a private hive. Stop the cry posts.

I absolutely paid money for this game $40 to be exact and paying monthly for a server doesn't change the fact that as much as Rocket and his DayZ staff say they are against cheating/hacking it runs rampid in "his" game. I have played many games both in Alpha and Beta and not one of them has near the cheating/hacking that "his" game does. Also, DayZ has been out long enough that alot of these issues should have been addressed and fixed. Not to mention the numerous bugs still in game i.e. zombies glitching through walls. Simple things that a dedicated game developer who truely wants his game to be the best would have fixed. Now I understand going to game cons and getting the word out about DayZ is tough work and I'm sure he doesn't have the time he used to, to work personally on his game, probably why he hired a staff. Again, doesn't change anything I've said. I can honestly say this is the best/worst game I've played in awhile.

"Self entitled" If self entitled means I would like an enjoyable cheat/hack free( as much as possible anyway) gaming experience, then so be it. If thats the case tho, then 95% of the DayZ community is "self-entitled"

And what makes you a good admin? The fact you don't complain about all the bullshit on "your" server? Does cheating not bother you? Do you condone hacking/cheating? Do it yourself maybe?

Just because you don't complain about it doesn't make you a good or bad admin. I thank you for your response anyway tho.

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Why not move to a private hive? You can password it, lock it, even turn Battleye off if you want. Essentially the only thing you can't do is take gear in and out from other "main hive" servers.

Now that's not to say a private hive is going to be hack-free, but you'll have more control.

You've paid $0 for this mod, and you electing to pay monthly for a DayZ server (like I pay for my DayZ server) entitles you to nothing. You elected to pay for a server to host an Alpha Mod that you should have known going into it (assuming you played the game before buying a server) borderline encourages hacking with its engine. You can't just elect to pay for a server on your own and then complain about what you knew was going to happen. I'm sick of self-entitled server admins making us good admins look bad.

As has been stated, just go make a private hive! Then no one gives two shits what you do with your server. Just do it, make a private hive. Stop the cry posts.

Op, read these posts. Read them 20x or until you understand them. This can't be stated enough.

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I have played many games both in Alpha and Beta and not one of them has near the cheating/hacking that "his" game does.

Yes, because there are so many games available to the public that are this popular and in the "alpha" stage...... /sarcasm.

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Yes, A mod that wants to be a stand alone game last I heard. How do you expect people to have faith in the stand alone if they can't have faith in the " mod" version.

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Yes, A mod that wants to be a stand alone game last I heard. How do you expect people to have faith in the stand alone if they can't have faith in the " mod" version.

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Yes, A mod that wants to be a stand alone game last I heard. How do you expect people to have faith in the stand alone if they can't have faith in the " mod" version.

You do realize that in less than 6 months this game went from obscurity to over a million people trying it? The mod is doing things ARMA II was never meant to do. If you can't understand the simple concept that obviously a standalone game that is being professionally worked on by a game studio should greatly improve the DayZ experience, then I don't think anyone can help "you".

Edited by urbanfox
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You do realize that in less than 6 months this game went from obscurity to over a million people trying it? The mod is doing things ARMA II was never meant to do. If you can't understand the simple concept that obviously a standalone game that is being professionally worked on by a game studio should greatly improve the DayZ experience, then I don't think anyone can help "you".

I would have thought someone with the "DayZ Community Support" tag would have a more professional response to a serious issue. Instead of the degrading, unprofessional one you posted, hey I could be wrong tho. Everything you wrote as nothing to do with the fact DayZ is inundated with cheats and hacks and from what I've been reading on the forums I'm not the only one complaining, there seems to be alot of admins and players pretty upset. And when we choose not to deal with these people and lock our servers we get messages asking why our servers are locked. Doesn't quit seem fair and we do our part and come to the forums to voice our complaints we get called entitled. Again doesn't seem quit fair. I think an easy solution is to let us lock our servers if we feel threatened by cheats/hacks, or as I read in another thread skids( kind of like that one). Until the DayZ dev team finds time or ambition to address the cheating in their game.

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You do realize that in less than 6 months this game went from obscurity to over a million people trying it? The mod is doing things ARMA II was never meant to do. If you can't understand the simple concept that obviously a standalone game that is being professionally worked on by a game studio should greatly improve the DayZ experience, then I don't think anyone can help "you".

I would have thought someone with the "DayZ Community Support" tag would have a more professional response to a serious issue. Instead of the degrading, unprofessional one you posted, hey I could be wrong tho. Everything you wrote as nothing to do with the fact DayZ is inundated with cheats and hacks and from what I've been reading on the forums I'm not the only one complaining, there seems to be alot of admins and players pretty upset. And when we choose not to deal with these people and lock our servers we get messages asking why our servers are locked. Doesn't quit seem fair and we do our part and come to the forums to voice our complaints we get called entitled. Again doesn't seem quit fair. I think an easy solution is to let us lock our servers if we feel threatened by cheats/hacks, or as I read in another thread skids( kind of like that one). Until the DayZ dev team finds time or ambition to address the cheating in their game.

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The correct approach and one that I personally used is to simply shut your server down. I kept mine down for about a month because of business and personal obligations. I did not (and still don't) have all day long to scour server logs looking for cheaters. Battleye has made some good improvements over that time and I have changed networks I run my servers on so I brought mine back online again.

If you simply don't want anyone accessing your server for a period of time, shut it down. This is perfectly acceptable practice and you won't wind up in hot water over locking which is expressly forbidden in the server host guidelines.

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As a server owner that was both official and unofficial. Official, you agree to the Dayz rules of hosting... that's it end of discussion. I was ok with that and if letting skids go rampant for the sake of learning the mechanisms they are using to cheat was fine with me as well. I just got to a point where i was cleaning skids more than playing. I bought Arma because i like mil sims, got the expansions because i found the game fun. Dayz comes around ....took the game i liked and made it better. Were there hackers in arma ...hell yeah there were but most of them were in the closet hoping nobody caught them. Of course you always have the deliberate dick running around but they were easy to spot and deal with.

We closed our officials...and when the day comes that the hacking is less( i have faith in the anti-cheat) Then most likely we will reopen those servers. I remember back in the days of America's Army game when the admins had enough and banded together. Community ban lists are one thing. The admins coming together and sharing the issues with the anti cheat and the devs working together to clean it up. That was something. Looks like we are headed in that direction. Overall Dayz has a solid community. At least to me it does. You have the fanboys and the naysayers. Admins and forum mods pulling hair out. Cheaters and skids bitching about global bans. And we are all still here hoping that the game gets better over time.

The game will have its ups and downs..(mod). right now all the people who got it but are not that hardcore are starting to get bored and leave. i am ok with that. Some are getting sick of the rampant cheating. I locked my unofficial for that reason. I plan to stick around for awhile and see where the game goes. I like playing on other peoples servers and enjoy the teamwork of the Reddit Rescue Rangers just to add some excitement to the game. I will try to find ways to enjoy it rather than sit and bitch.... I hope that most of you will do the same.


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Until the DayZ dev team finds time or ambition to address the cheating in their game.

This would explain your point of view, then. You've effectively demonstrated you know nothing about DayZ's development track and the how/why behind the cheating problem. This greatly explains your mammoth sized self-entitlement, but certainly doesn't excuse it. Ignorance is no reason for acting like a douche waffle, which you've so aptly done across the board to everyone who has responded to you.

It is presently impossible to eliminate cheating (at least the degree that other popular titles have curbed it to) without ARMA2 core engine changes. Such changes would quite literally destroy ARMA2 itself as a standalone and render the game and all of its mods (other than DayZ) unusable. You'd basically be destroying an entire game to accommodate for one single mod. Why? This has to do with the ARMA2 scripting engine which is vital for ARMA2 itself. Rocket and many others have explained this time and time again, you must have not searched hard.

What's the solution? Well, DayZ Standalone. Because Rocket can do *exactly* that and "destroy" the ARMA2 engine and tear out the scripting engine in its entirety. In its place, hard coded logic will provide the functionality that DayZ was extrapolating through the scripting engine. End result? scripting doesn't exist, DayZ works a treat!

So, your snide remark about DayZ team finding the "time" or "ambition" is Grade A proof of your smug self-entitled behavior. See what I mean here? You're uninformed, ignorant, and rage filled about the situation. Perfect recipe for self-entitlement.

I think an easy solution is to let us lock our servers if we feel threatened by cheats/hacks

I don't know if you're suffering from a case of selective reading/comprehension, but the majority of the replies you've received in this thread (including my own) have addressed this very question. They DO let you lock your servers if you want... by making a private hive! You just can't lock it on the public hive. Letting people lock or otherwise change the risk/reward effect of a server on the public hive is ridiculous. You can't have that. That's why even Vilayer, who runs a multi-server private hive of their own, doesn't permit locking servers on their multi-server private hive. Seems curious that an independent company whose only goal is to sell you a DayZ server is refusing to let you to lock servers on their private hive, no? That's because it doesn't make sense to permit locking on a multi-server hive. It creates save-havens where people can farm NWAF with 0 risk and the like. It's the same reason MMOs separate PvE and PvP servers and don't permit transferring from a PvE to a PvP server. You need collective servers of similar risk/reward. Mixing them is stupid and unbalanced beyond all logic and reason.

I still don't know why you're whining in this thread, as the solution to your angst has been provided to you post after post. Make a private hive! This thread is pretty much over.

I also feel the need to circle on back to this.

I absolutely paid money for this game $40 to be exact...

I regret to inform you that you have been swindled/cheated of your money if you've paid even a single cent for DayZ. You'll want to identify whoever charged you for downloading DayZ and pursue them legally to the fullest extent of the law. For future reference, DayZ is available free of charge right on this very site you're posting on. Just go to http://www.dayzmod.com and download the DayZ Alpha Mod absolutely free.

Now, being a facetious dick to you aside, paying for a standalone game that is a pre-requisite for a mod is not "paying for the mod". That is further self-entitled thinking. Rocket saw $0 from your sale, how is it fair to pin it on him? ARMA2 is its own game that you don't need DayZ to play. I love analogies, because it lets people see how dumb they are. Let's go for one, shall we? Using your logic, I can do the following:

[1] Say "Mmm, this new burger recipe sounds awesome. But I don't have a grill to do it proper."

[2] Buy a $200 grill

[3] Download free recipe

[4] Make burger on fancy grill

[5] Realize burger tastes like garbage

[6] Go to website that has the burger and complain to them about how shitty their burger is and that you demand they compensate you. After all, you certainly did spend $200 to use their recipe! You wouldn't have bought that grill if it weren't for their recipe sounding so good!

[7] Act smug, self-entitled, and rage about how you're a paying recipe customer

See how that's dumb? Probably not, but that's how dumb you look to us. Rocket doesn't see a dime from your ARMA2 purchase. You didn't pay anything for DayZ mod. You can't just claim whatever pre-requisites were needed to play the mod are your "payment" for the mod. Where would it end? What if you needed a graphics card upgrade to play it? Is Rocket now responsible for that cost as well? Nah, you don't see the connection. Continue on.

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As everyone else said, just upgrade to a private hive and then lock your server, only give the password to people you KNOW dont cheat. Thats what i did and it has been working out well, problem solved.

Edited by SG.HavoK

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Your only recourse is to get a private server and run it how you want. The only problem with that is your still going to be dealing with hackers and cheaters. I don't know about you but I don't have the time to constantly look over logs and worry about cheaters, it just ruins the fun for you. Don't expect to get any help from the mods on this site or the devs. All they do is try to make you feel bad because they have a game that is over run by hackers and cheaters. They deal with the problem by ignoring it and calling their community users names.

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