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The second coming has arrived!...........

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Well sort of. I was just playing on a server I normally play on. Got into Elektro as I need a tent. I was making my way to one of the firestations when I heard cracks right next to me. I zig zaged across the field and turned into the street the church is on. I ran towards the church but when I got to the door I ran past and ran into a near by building. I looked out the window to see if I could see anyone when I noticed a bandit creeping up to the church door he had a sniper rifle on his back so I thought that must be the guy shooting at me.

So I unloaded a clip of AK bullets into him and he died. I gave it a minute then went to loot the sniper from him. Once I got to the church there was 2 more bandits inside. One of them shot me and killed me fair play to him.

I got the YOU DIED screen so I proceeded to load a new character. Then to my amazement I re spawned in Elektro inside the building I was when I took the sniper out with all my gear. I could not believe my luck so I wait by the window in hope the guys who shot me would come out of the church. I know they where still in there as zombies where pooring into the church and I could here who ever was inside shooting them with my AK. One of them went to check outside am pretty sure it was the one who killed me and put a clip into him and again he died. This time I got out of Elektro as I did not want to risk getting murdered again.

So what happened? Major desync? or is my character really Jesus?

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I've seen this happen a couple times before.. Killing a guy then someone appears right away where their dead body is. Some kind of bug I guess.

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My guess it is some sort of save bug or maybe you alt+f4´ed?! :D

Not a chance. Considering I left pretty much all my loot at my hideout there was no reason for me to Alt F4. Even if I did have my loot I wouldn't of alt F4d as that is just a cowards thing to do.

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Nah, not a Alt F4 thing. I died once, got off for the night and logged back on the next day about 10 steps from my death the last night. Just a glitch in the hive I guess hehe

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ive had the same thing happen a few times..

at first i thought the server had rolled back a minute or so, but then you realize you dont have your equipment..

just a weird spawn bug i guess.. both times its happened to me i died to the same person again..

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haha lovely topic name , i have seen this happen before with bandits and a few times when i was killed by a hacker either way glad you got your stuff back an made it out safe jesus.

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I have now had my rest and am now going to attempt to turn Mountain Dew into Wine and Beans into bread.

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