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Only one authentic way to significantly increase player co-operation

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Raise the level of the zombie threat until it reaches the point where it is very difficult for one player to survive alone.

All other suggestions are either not based on authenticity, or would have a minimal effect (or both).

End of story.

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I proposed this a few times, but it's quite tricky. It would be challenging for some and impossible for others, taking away many players from the mod. And there still would be a bunch of folks that may shoot to better equipped players, even if they died shortly after, just for the fun of it. Not saying I don't like the idea, I'd like it to be tried at least.

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This already happened when the zombie count was unintentionally raised to very high levels (Around 1300-1500 zombies on a 50 slot server) and guess what.. there was a HUGE amount of teamwork and not nearly as many bandits.

Then the carebears had a whinge (Yeah, I went there) about too many zombies and they were dropped by 50% or so.. and guess what, now they whinge because everybody is a bandit because it's too bloody easy to survive. What a surprise.


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The threat is already being risen - higher attack distance.

However shots should alarm at higher radius and maybe more zombies?

Just more, there were gliches so zombie respawn was 5seconds or somthing. That was crazy..

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Raising zombie difficulty won't work because you've already got friends cooperation but they will kill everyone not in their friend list. The only way I see is turn off friendly fire.

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make it nearly impossible to survive -> cooperation will be essential

end of story imho. i'd like to have it like this.

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Hmm more like: make it nearly impossible to survive -> the few players still around may cooperate because killing each other won't be that fun

If there could be some server customization, though, I'd go for it. Not every server has to be like crazy impossible survival.

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as noted above, Bandits are more like Bandit groups... get a small group grab some guns n kit then go player hunting! a lone bandit cant give a blood transfusion so they will die and loose their stuff... a group can heal one another and guard bodies till their friends get back. But theirs not much wrong really, its team work just not towards other teams or lone survivors! they have upped the Z's damage to players and the range they aggro, using a flair at night zombies will go for you before you see them! ide still say 50% of the time when i die its to a player and 70% of those times its to a guy with a makarov who just spawned! maybe droping the initial kit to a makarov with 1 clip [pre loaded] and a bandage... most of the time you could kill 2 z's with that but lucky if you kill a player and if you did he wouldn't drop any ammo for you so you would be screwed!

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There is no one solution to encouraging teamwork. Zombies would need to be made insanely powerful to actually force players to use teamwork, and even then many players would still prefer to go solo (as is thier right).

As it is now, even with the more dangerous zombies, it is fairly easy to avoid having to fight them in the first place. So increasing zombie aggro and damage shouldn't be considered the only "authentic" solution. If higher-end loot was harder to find, there was additional end-game content for groups to do, and if zombies were made more challenging then you might see a more meaningful shift towards teamplay. Any one of those changes on thier own isn't going to "fix" the game necessarily.

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I never said that there was "one solution to encouraging teamwork." I said there is only one AUTHENTIC way to SIGNIFICANTLY increase player cooperation. Big difference. Who said that zombie aggro and damage are the only authentic variables? I never even mentioned them.

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I never said that there was "one solution to encouraging teamwork." I said there is only one AUTHENTIC way to SIGNIFICANTLY increase player cooperation. Big difference. Who said that zombie aggro and damage are the only authentic variables? I never even mentioned them.

You mentioned Zombies, and I merely gave those 2 things as examples of how thier threat might be increased. Splitting hairs over the rest completely misses the point since you still claim there is only one authentic way.

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Shots should definitely agro from further away. I hear a shot clearly and zombies near me just ignore it.

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I never said that there was "one solution to encouraging teamwork." I said there is only one AUTHENTIC way to SIGNIFICANTLY increase player cooperation. Big difference. Who said that zombie aggro and damage are the only authentic variables? I never even mentioned them.

You mentioned Zombies' date=' and I merely gave those 2 things as examples of how thier threat might be increased. Splitting hairs over the rest completely misses the point since you still claim there is only one authentic way.


Again, you are only focusing on half of what I said, which completely misses/blurs the point. Let me lay it out there as simply as possible. There are many AUTHENTIC ways to increase player cooperation. There are many ways to SIGNIFICANTLY increase player cooperation. I am saying that there is only one way that does both.

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