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UK Dayz Clan - The Bandit Resistance Recruiting!

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Hey i'm Ben the CL - i'm 25 from Kent (pikey Ville)

We are Currently recruiting 16 or over only as he have had some very immature people join up in the past.. so we will have no exceptions.. sorry

Our member range from 16 up to late 20's we are primarily a UK based clan, We are looking for mature-ish people.. who can have a laugh! take some banter! but still be serious when needed.

We do operations, scouting and some assault's. We have a 50 slot server, with teamspeak and a website.

If your interesting in trying out with us.

Sign up at http://www.thebanditsresistance.com/ and make an application in the forum.

Or add me on steam - snipersmokey450

Once me or any of the admins have seen your post we will invite you in to teamspeak so we can get to you no you a bit more.. if you have any questions or If you want to no more just ask!



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Been playing with these lads for the past month, nice peeps, into all aspects/styles of play. We also mix it up between Vanilla Dayz, Lingor and Takistan.

[TBR] - Deal With It!


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Yo guys!

would you be interested in join our Community ?

We have Whiteist server with many big clans for some awsome fights..

We support Lingor/Utes/Cherno

Hop on our TS sometimes.. ts.survivinthehorror.net


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Wouldn't mind trying your server myself as I haven't got many mates who play DayZ. I'm a friendly player (haven't killed anyone yet haha) but been blown away by bandits a few times and murdered by a not so heroic hero

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