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If killing an admin is equated to being banned, there'd be no one left on the server seeing how I tend to die more than most, Kain as well. Likewise, presumably the YouTube video of someone stealing my chopper and simply smashing it so I couldnt have it, likewise would have been made into a ban. The fact that an admin may have been there doesn't really mean anything.

You did indeed send me a pm, while I was out of state for a couple days and you were banned during that time. I hadn't responded n the forums since I wasn't near a computer, nor had I been around to ban anyone.

I do think you're over inflating your ego as to how big of an impact you had, killing and raising is what quite a few of our member base lives for, and are quite effective. I'm sorry you felt wronged, but the rest of the server is in unison.

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I'm one of the players on this server and I have only good things to say about this server. Oh no, wait. There was one complain. It was Joshie and his crew (Brone and few other people). They were constantly harassing,insulting and flaming over chat. Majority of players simply wanted them to be removed. What's more, they were told several times on the forum (who knows how many times through PMs) what they were banned for.They simply carried on with their nonsense and acted like it was all new to them. Besides, soon after the ban they got back on the server, teleporting people and vehicles over the ocean. So if you don't want a drama/hacking on your server, don't let them in.

Server is developing and I'm excited to read about new fun stuff that is going to be implemented.

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I'm one of the players on this server and I have only good things to say about this server. Oh no, wait. There was one complain. It was Joshie and his crew (Brone and few other people). They were constantly harassing,insulting and flaming over chat. Majority of players simply wanted them to be removed. What's more, they were told several times on the forum (who knows how many times through PMs) what they were banned for.They simply carried on with their nonsense and acted like it was all new to them. Besides, soon after the ban they got back on the server, teleporting people and vehicles over the ocean. So if you don't want a drama/hacking on your server, don't let them in.

Server is developing and I'm excited to read about new fun stuff that is going to be implemented.

LOL ahhhh bandit you're so cute we didn't hack your server at all. No one gave us any facts as to why we were banned and we caused no more drama in general then you or any GSC people did so nice try kiddo but you're falling short and have you actually read the thread no one says a thing about why we were banned other then drama and our response is how can we cause drama when we all stopped talking in general chat for at least 2 days before we where banned. So what else you got bud? Like i said before cite specifics because most of the time we said something to someone it was because they were harassing us first for example my 3rd day there GSC guy kills me in electro i don't say a word Brone kills him and his buddy and they get all butt hurt and start calling us names and talking smack to us so therefore we respond. That is 8 times out of 10 how it went down but those people are still there why did they not get banned? Kain was online when it happened. The days we raided GSC factory tons of insults were directed at us those people didn't get banned so bandit you really don't have a clue what you're talking about bud.

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I'm one of the players on this server and I have only good things to say about this server. Oh no, wait. There was one complain. It was Joshie and his crew (Brone and few other people). They were constantly harassing,insulting and flaming over chat. Majority of players simply wanted them to be removed. What's more, they were told several times on the forum (who knows how many times through PMs) what they were banned for.They simply carried on with their nonsense and acted like it was all new to them. Besides, soon after the ban they got back on the server, teleporting people and vehicles over the ocean. So if you don't want a drama/hacking on your server, don't let them in.

Server is developing and I'm excited to read about new fun stuff that is going to be implemented.

This is bullshit more baseless accusations and I love how we always get the blame... constantly harassing, insulting and flaming over chat???? Give me a break, our crew took more flack over side chat than any other and you know what we did, we kept quiet and let our actions speak for us instead. Also wow really blaming us for hacking your server a new low... this is unbelievable. Someone probably read this thread and saw what a bunch of cowards you all are and did us a favor. In case you didn't realize elbandito a ban is a ban there ain't no other way around it.

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I didn't respond here before now to let things calm down a bit, but I feel that anyone reading this might get a bad impression of our server based off Joshie and his friends posts. It's amusing how they want to go on and on about how they were banned because of killing other players, smashing their base, etc. Because these are the same things *both* admins are doing as bandits currently. But there hasn't been *any* drama from us doing so - the players rally and fight back and kill us.

The difference is how we (the bandit admins) conduct ourselves maturely. The very first time I witnessed Joshie and crew raiding another group's base on our server, 6 of them came in and wiped out a larger group. They then commenced to laying waste to the entire base - destroying all vehicles, tents, etc. I never once thought of banning them for these things, even when they killed me.

But where issues came in was they then started talking all kinds of junk in side chat - how they "owned" us, they were like a "Seal Team", "killed us like we were Osama", etc. I had several different people complain to me then about this. Some responded with their own insults. Eventually I ended up making new rules regarding smack talking in side chat.

Within a couple days, I was receiving numerous complaints about these players - anyone that complained about being killed or their stuff being destroyed, I did *exactly* as I have done since before Joshie and crew ever came to our server - I told them that is part of the game, it was not against our server rules. Then I got another complaint that a player was being constantly harassed by Joshie and crew - they were insisting he was a hacker, they had even contacted me to say he was a hacker, but I found no indications to prove he was one. I witnessed several of them harass this player over side chat, one of them obviously placed a few markers on the map talking about him being a hacker and one of them even registered on our forums simply to harrass him further there.

Due to all these combined things, it was decided to remove Joshie and crew from the server. Since their ban, they continued to post complaining about their ban on our forums until they were finally removed there, so obviously they've brought it here.

Honestly, the server is thriving without them. We continue to grow and are moving to our own VPS to give us more control over things. Things that are gonna be added in soon:

- Database backups in case of hackers

- More tailored vehicle spawns, including adding in stuff not normally available in DayZ

- Custom Loadouts for new spawns

- Looking into the ability to add lighting in the cities at night

- Removing the L85 and possibly more

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Thank you for finally posting kain but your's is a biased post and only half the story the same as mine is only my half of the story and the times you are using to support your ban were pre the rule you made about no trash talk over side chat. Once that rule was posted we didn't talk in side chat. Also a 22 against 6 raid pulled off with success is surely worthy of being called a seal team 6 raid. You call yourself a bandit yet you suckle at the teet of people on your server which we never did after tribe disbanded and you went "bandit" weren't you killed in a raid agianst the very people we were banned for raiding? Also the last day we were there we raided zacks base and were sitting there for at least ten minutes waiting for our chopper guy when all the sudden zack and 3 of his friends crawl over and hill and start shooting at us without us doing anything to give away our positions, somehow he just knew right where we were at seems shadey at best. However kain my bud you think what you like with your self rightious attitude say we are the bad guys and justify it however you need but you all are terrible at this game and are easy marks. It really is very sad, all we want is for you all to admit that we were banned because we melted your faces and you couldn't handle. You claim that you banned us justly yet it was only after you jumped in teamspeak with zack and his lil groupies who let me express to the people that might not know supplied the server with magic gps' and guillie suits andother rare spawn goodies he had an abundance of. Shadey? Why yes it is but who is gonna ask questions when you are getting fed crap you can't find. You banned us like i was saying after you talked to them you didn't auto ban us for the raid which leads me to believe you sided with them and they called us hackers and your with your limited mental abilities and lack of free thought believe them and banned us. Then fed the world your drama theory and blamed us for all the bull crap that happened on that server.

P.S. I'm not mad bro

Edited by Joshie2

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Thank you for finally posting kain but your's is a biased post and only half the story the same as mine is only my half of the story and the times you are using to support your ban were pre the rule you made about no trash talk over side chat. Once that rule was posted we didn't talk in side chat. Also a 22 against 6 raid pulled off with success is surely worthy of being called a seal team 6 raid. You call yourself a bandit yet you suckle at the teet of people on your server which we never did after tribe disbanded and you went "bandit" weren't you killed in a raid agianst the very people we were banned for raiding? Also the last day we were there we raided zacks base and were sitting there for at least ten minutes waiting for our chopper guy when all the sudden zack and 3 of his friends crawl over and hill and start shooting at us without us doing anything to give away our positions, somehow he just knew right where we were at seems shadey at best. However kain my bud you think what you like with your self rightious attitude say we are the bad guys and justify it however you need but you all are terrible at this game and are easy marks. It really is very sad, all we want is for you all to admit that we were banned because we melted your faces and you couldn't handle. You claim that you banned us justly yet it was only after you jumped in teamspeak with zack and his lil groupies who let me express to the people that might not know supplied the server with magic gps' and guillie suits andother rare spawn goodies he had an abundance of. Shadey? Why yes it is but who is gonna ask questions when you are getting fed crap you can't find. You banned us like i was saying after you talked to them you didn't auto ban us for the raid which leads me to believe you sided with them and they called us hackers and your with your limited mental abilities and lack of free thought believe them and banned us. Then fed the world your drama theory and blamed us for all the bull crap that happened on that server.

P.S. I'm not mad bro

I've dealt with my share of whiney pre-teens, and you sound pretty mad, bro.

P.S. If you're older than 14... well, that's just embarrassing.

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I've dealt with my share of whiney pre-teens, and you sound pretty mad, bro.

P.S. If you're older than 14... well, that's just embarrassing.

Who are you again? And your opinion matters to me why? kthx ttyl

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Thank you for finally posting kain but your's is a biased post and only half the story the same as mine is only my half of the story and the times you are using to support your ban were pre the rule you made about no trash talk over side chat. Once that rule was posted we didn't talk in side chat. Also a 22 against 6 raid pulled off with success is surely worthy of being called a seal team 6 raid. You call yourself a bandit yet you suckle at the teet of people on your server which we never did after tribe disbanded and you went "bandit" weren't you killed in a raid agianst the very people we were banned for raiding? Also the last day we were there we raided zacks base and were sitting there for at least ten minutes waiting for our chopper guy when all the sudden zack and 3 of his friends crawl over and hill and start shooting at us without us doing anything to give away our positions, somehow he just knew right where we were at seems shadey at best. However kain my bud you think what you like with your self rightious attitude say we are the bad guys and justify it however you need but you all are terrible at this game and are easy marks. It really is very sad, all we want is for you all to admit that we were banned because we melted your faces and you couldn't handle. You claim that you banned us justly yet it was only after you jumped in teamspeak with zack and his lil groupies who let me express to the people that might not know supplied the server with magic gps' and guillie suits andother rare spawn goodies he had an abundance of. Shadey? Why yes it is but who is gonna ask questions when you are getting fed crap you can't find. You banned us like i was saying after you talked to them you didn't auto ban us for the raid which leads me to believe you sided with them and they called us hackers and your with your limited mental abilities and lack of free thought believe them and banned us. Then fed the world your drama theory and blamed us for all the bull crap that happened on that server.

P.S. I'm not mad bro

Joshie. I would like to point a few things out. What ever happened, happened. Due to your conduct as a player, your influence on other people, and lack of adhering to the most basic of server rules set forth by the Administrator, you and anyone in affiliation to you were deemed unfit to remain in the server. As a result of your actions, you were banned. You then proceeded to carry out a verbal assault over multiple web pages in an attempt to put this server, and it's players down. We, as service members of the United States Armed Forces have an obligation to conduct ourselves in a professional manner. Though we may not be recognized by our deeds, they will be accomplished in silence. We seek not recognition for our actions, only the satisfaction to know of what we have done. Your actions here are unbecoming of yourself as a person, and as a Non-Commisioned Officer of the United States Army. I take pity upon anyone you surround yourself with, as well as your chain of command, and anyone serving under you. By your actions, you have not only embarassed yourself, but anyone associated with you. I would ask that you refrain from telling anyone that you served in the Military at all, much less as an 11B. Against the request of others, I will provided you with AAR, which lead to my untimely demise, and your downfall. I was on my way out, when friends told me they needed me to come get them. They needed an engine for the S1203. On my way back up the hill, I happened to noticed a black SUV making it's way across the ridge line. Using process of elimination I determined two things. One, There is only one person who drives around in an SUV, and would be stalking our position. Two, Attacks on a base always happen at Before Morning Nautical Twilight. You of all people should know this as Infantry. Using process of elimination, combined with other intel gathered over time, I.E. your strike patterns, the fact that you were logged in, and the fact that there is a BOLO (Be on the Look Out) for your vehicle. Brone was also online, so I knew that he must be with you. I immediately gave my squad the FRAGO, and told my guys to return immediately. They were two clicks out so I waited on the side of the hill alone. Being unaware of the size of the force I was against, and how well armed they were, I quickly formed a Actions upon Contact. Almost immediately upon my squad arriving at my position, my vehicles started taking fire from our 12 O'clock, @ what sounded like 250 meters. I peeked through a loop hole, and saw a single enemy low crawling on the side of the Hill. I proceeded to shoot exactly two rounds before somehow my position was compromised, and I was killed. Two other guys immediately died after I did, despite the fact that one was behind heavy concealment, and could not easily be seen, and the other was (to his recollection) behind cover. These are results as they unfolded from my side. I would like you to reciprocate, and provide further information on your assault, as well as how you managed to retrieve the weapons systems you had on that hill, shortly after being thwarted from your previous assault with a helo. A timely response is greately appreciated. I would also like you to conduct yourself in a more professional manner while doing so. If you have nothing respond with, I would ask that you please stop posting threads at this time. The same goes to Brone.

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Zack first of all bud i can say whatever i like about me being a soldier and your opinion means nothing to me. I was in the surge bud that is 06-08 when crap was real in iraq. That being said I highly doubt that you are an 11b I would guess your one of those cooks that I had to deal with listening to them tell war stories during the short phone calls i would get to make home. All this is based on how you talk no infantryman i've ever know uses all that military jargon unless they are a wackjob toolbag one that has never been deployed but still thinks that they are hard as woodpecker lips. However that is nither here nor there. What happened the day we where banned is you knew we were there because i am assume but cannot prove but pretty much know you were esp hacking and saw us heading up there. None of you killed me or o4sis the night before in our little heli search for your base that is how I had the 107 up on the hill and afray with his thermal L85 calling targets for me. That is also how we noticed you all crawling over the hill in the prone looking for us, which leads me to believe you tipped off your friends and that is why they came back. I know how long you were down on the far side of the hill about 10 minutes waiting for your friends but not coming back to your camp because like i said you knew we were there. So all that being said afray called targets and i poped heads bro shot your friend that was in cover when he charged you all and died after the charge from another guy there. Afray called a guy flanking us so i spun and shot him which was muffinman and it felt awesome cuz muffinman had been talking trash for days about how he would kill me and what not. Then afray when down capped the last guy you all had left and we got o4sis there after the conflict jumped in your vehicales and left after blowing up your heli and other ural of course. That was about the time you asked kain into your TS i am assuming to cry that we are hackers and what not when you got outplayed while you knew exactly where we were. Once you asked kain into your TS we all started laughing takling about how we were about to get banned in our vent no of us said anything in general even though some of us wanted to but i asked them no to because we knew how butt hurt you all already were. Shortly after we left Afray got banned then brone then myself and from there i don't know what happened i assume you all got a good chuckle or whatever and you went and recovered your trucks via your esp. All i really want to for you all to admit that you got outplayed and stop telling yourselves things to make you feel better. Once that happens i will leave it be. Any other questions you have feel free to ask but should you make another comment about my service like you did i will become extremely rude not only is it disrepectful to me as someone who i am sure outranked you by alot but its disrepectful to my friends that i lost over there and served with.

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Ok, I had a long and dramatic story lined up for you. But I'll be blunt. you never stole weapons from me. All weapons system were accounted for. I only had one L85, and a squad mate had it. The other two I had were given to GSC prior to your escapades. Their members can confirm this. I also had two M107's, one of which was still in the truck and one of which we had out on patrol. This weapon was the one used to shoot your helicopter. I kind of have OCD when it comes to having exact numbers of things, So I know for a fact right now you are lying. That does not matter now tho. If it makes you feel better, then sure man... I was hacking. I had 50 of every gun, loads of ammo, about 10 helicopters spawned in various locations, fueled and ready to go. I had wall hacks, aimbot, god mode. You name it. But wait a minute? I have died... I did get caught off guard... i did miss a few rounds... I lost vehicles a couple vehicles... If I could do all of the things that you have ever suggested, why did I die to you? If i knew your exact location, wouldn't I have made an effort to just go right around you and shoot you in the back? Wouldn't I have just spawned a helicopter In and took off in it? Wouldn't I just teleport away, and not attempt to call for help? Wouldn't I just teleport you away from my base? Even better, Wouldn't I just sit on a hill a click off, with one of my hacked weapons, and wait for you guys to show up if i knew exactly where you were? I also have corroborating stories disproving nearly everything you've said. If you want the truth man, while you are sitting here making blind accusations to someone, EVERYONE else on the server is making the same accusations about you. So I am not sure whether you are saying it to draw attention away from yourself, or what your motives are. I see through the fog you've created. Just leave everyone alone. This is the last response I will be posting, I do not have any more time to deal with you.

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We've now officially migrated to our own VPS, which has given us a lot more control over everything. We've now got database backups working, BEC going and we have an awesome ping! Come check us out.

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Bump. Moving to the VPS seemed to definitely fix the issues we were having with loot not spawning. It's been a great last few nights on the server, you should come join in the fun!

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I've been on the server from the beginning (playing in a bandit-affiliated clan, although now there are only a couple of us who are still very active so I'm not sure that's a wise path) and can recommend it.

The whitelisting process was a breeze and as far as I can tell, the admins are as fair as admins can be when they are active players on the server they administer. There are a couple of recent changes which actually IMO make it a better server: There is no longer a raidcall but there is a mumble server and the admins will create clan channels on request, the server is running on a VPS and performance is better than most (and my ping in the Southeast US is pretty good), nameplates have been turned OFF (I suspect the "ESP hack" allegations were thanks to the fact that it was on before and some players are pretty good at exploiting that mechanic), and they take to heart some of the player opinions from the associated server forum. The admins are investigating mods-on-the-mod to improve (hopefully) the experience and seem grounded enough not to go over the top and add anything ridiculous.

For what it's worth, I try to avoid drama so I have no real comment on the dispute above. I didn't have a problem with Joshie and company but I don't especially miss them either. The more players, the more player interactions, and the fewer bored players camp-hunting, so IMHO the more the merrier and I'd much rather see lots of small clans rather than one or two large ones.

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Could definitely use more players, both bandit and friendly alike. Come join in the fun! We've got several groups running around now, the more we get the more targets or people to play with.

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Totally agree with sirrat. Many minor clans are way cooler than two giant ones. Way more interactions And alliances and treaties going back and forth.

We're looking into some minor mods/fixes that could add some fun new interactions for everyone.

Also, @ whoever shot my chopper down after I spent 3 hours searching for the parts, with a pair of lucky ass sniper shots into my engine... I'm most displeased >_>

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Just applied , and I'm going to tell 3 of my friends to do the same. Looking foward to having a good ol time

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Bumping again. We've been having a lot of fun lately, come join in!

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Bump. Always looking for more to join us. We're upgrading and adding things all the time.

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Bump. Still always on the lookout for more players to join in our fun.

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