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SWC-DayZ - new private hive server looking for players

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SWC-DayZ Server - Private Hive

Server: DayZ Bliss SWC-DayZ (v1.7.2.6/build 97771) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-11] - http://www.SWCombine.com

Website: http://www.silverfalls.org/dayz/

We are a group of players from another game that have all become addicted to DayZ. Up until recently we were hosting US 2881, a public hive server. Due to all the hackers and inability for us to do much of anything about them, we have decided to go private hive. We would like to build a community of players around our server that want to have fun and play DayZ. You won't be banned for killing admins or stealing our vehicles though we may hunt you down like the bandit you are.! :P


- Running a Bliss 50-slot private hive server on a VPS - meaning there aren't other DayZ servers on the same machine.

- Running 24/7

- Veteran Difficulty

- 3rd: On - Tracers: Off - NP: Off - CH: On - DM: On

- Currently 130 vehicles including 2 helicopters (this may change)

- Custom Heli Loot (removed L85 and AS50, put in new weapons)

- Always Full Moon at night

- Custom buildings for groups / clans

- Vehicles / Tents properly saving

- Side Chat enabled (though we don't want people using it for voice chat)

- Updates / restarts happen pretty fast and you get prior notice

- Server in US

- Database backups every 30 minutes

- Whitelist, application process and password used to minimize hackers

- Our own private Mumble voice chat server


Things not allowed

No hacking

No duping intentionally

No ghosting - pretty much this shouldn't be possible on our private hive, but just in case someone finds a way to do it.. don't.

No hoarding of vehicles - if you're two people, you don't need 5 vehicles. If your group has 1 helicopter, leave the others alone. This does not mean you can't steal vehicles from others, it just means don't create a parking lot of unused vehicles.

No Alt + F4'ing to escape other players. Don't care if you do this to get away from zombies.

Refrain from killing fresh spawns. You won't get banned if you happen to kill one, mostly what we mean here is don't camp the beaches looking for new spawns to kill. (Robbing, taking em hostage is fine).

No using barbed wire or tank traps to block off popular spawn sites (fire stations, churches, etc). Exceptions to this are if you are inside the building at the time or if you are using the location as your home base.

No begging admins for weapons or vehicles. If we want you to have it, we will add it as a spawn to the map where everyone can compete for it.

No VOIP in side chat. We don't wanna hear your music, heavy breathing, TV, etc.

No trolling or harassment over side chat.

No excessive use of bad language, racist comments, basically use your common sense. We're not gonna kick your for expressing your displeasure in the fact that we just killed you, but just don't go overboard.

Things we DO allow

Kill on sight (KOS) is allowed though we encourage you to interact more with other players as we are trying to build a community here.

Bandits are welcome, though we'd much prefer you truly play a bandit - hostage taking, robbing, etc are encouraged over just shooting on sight, though you won't get punished for KOS.

Base building at major locations. If you can protect it, it's within your rights to own any spot on the map. Be prepared to really have to fight hard for the more popular spots.

Role-playing is encouraged though not required. Anyone purposefully trolling or abusing someone attempting to roleplay will be dealt with harshly.

Forming your own groups / clans. We'd love to have other active players on the server, whether bandit or survivor.

If somehow you lose your gear / vehicles due to a hacker, the admins will work on replacing what we can. If you lose it due to zombies, bugs or glitch, we will not replace it. Sorry for this but it's impossible for us to prove you really lost the stuff this way.

Interested in joining?

Just visit our website and fill out the application. We'll get you processed as soon as we can, but note we like to play the game too so it may take a few hours. If you haven't got a response in 24 hours let us know. Once you are accepted you'll get a PM on our forums with the password. You'll then need to join so we can add you to the whitelist.

Edited by kainelderan
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What exactly does this mean?

"Role-playing is encouraged though not required. Anyone purposefully trolling or abusing someone attempting to roleplay will be dealt with harshly."

Does this mean role-playing a psycho who wants to trick people into being friends then murders them when they aren't looking is against your rules? Basically, this stuff: http://www.incgamers...-in-dayz-video/

Edited by LunaTiK

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Just visit our website and fill out the application.


No, generally that means if you are found to be making fun of someone for role-playing or purposefully going out of your way to ruin their fun, you'll be dealt with. Anyone is free to role-play whatever personality they feel like, we just don't want people that bash role-players for playing a different way. Generally in my past experience in other games I've seen this happen, and we're trying to build a friendly community to all.

Two applications approved already, hope to see more! Come join in the fun!

Edited by kainelderan

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Server is still going great and we're getting more people in... come give us a try!

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Had a slight hiccip with a DDOS attack on the server, luckily it didn't last long, and everyone was real cool about it. Flew around a bit after hours when most of "The Tribe" Clan went to bed, and it was just me and a clan that recently joined. After running out of ammo in Cherno, they were kind enough to paradrop in some additional supplies for me! (Chopper was mine, they took one of the other 2 choppers and airdropped in!)


Got some awesome player so far! Plans are in the works with a couple of them to begin construction of a Neutral Safe Trading Post. Keep those Apps coming! Love what I've seen so far!

Edited by SWC_Jesfa

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Server is going quite well, we keep getting more applications though we're lacking in the bandit department - could use some decent bandits to make things interesting.

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Had our first engagement of chopper vs chopper tonight! The newly grouped Bandit clan were scouring the Airfield for supplies when a peaceful clan flew past in a chopper headed for base. We got in, pursued, and found their camp. Not wanting to do too much damage, we shot up a car with our door guns, and wounded a player in their camp; before they called their helicopter back in as reinforcements. A running air battle ensued moving from airfield all the day down, ending at Balota in our, the bandits, death in the military camp there.

Awesome fight GSC lads! We won't be so nice next time!

Hope to see more applicants!

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Back to the top with you! We've got some bandits now! Let's get some more people to give em something to shoot at! :P

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Our community continues to grow it seems on a daily basis. You should check us out too!

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Always room for move survivors and bandits on our server. We've got a few different groups going already and several lonewolves... which will you be? Come join us and have some fun!

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Bump. Had some great times already this weekend, haven't laughed so hard in awhile. Come join us to get away from all the hackers, doesn't matter if you're a bandit or a survivor, you're welcome to play with us!

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We're regularly getting to over 20 to 25 players a night lately, we'd love to see our server fill up so come join in the fun as we try to survive the zeds and bandits roaming SWC-DayZ!

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Bump. Server community continues to grow, but would love to see even more. Daytime seems kinda quiet, would definitely like to get more for those times.

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I applied just recently and looking forward to acceptance :3 As for the bandit department: one to that, but friendly if needed for ops, if I get on the server I'll try my best to make everybodys day richer, by either giving them a good non-alt-f4 fight or helping them with what they need :)

Side not: Every second will be recorded by me and hackers will be reported to Admins ímmidiately, i can promise that, I want to work "for" the community, not only "with"

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Bump. Come join in the fun! Our bandit numbers increased a bit while our survivors went down, so could definitely use some more friendlies now!

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I would not recommend joining this server unless you want to play as a carebear because when you start killing the admins friends or people that help the admin you will recieve a quick and timely ban with no questions or facts supporting why your being banned getting answered. This server is ran by two admins one of which i do not know much about because I didn't see him around the other however was completely unprofessional in his dealing with the clan I was in and basically banned us for following server rules. This is not really a rant post just want others to be aware before they waste a bunch of time like we did just to get banned for raiding the camp of the admins friends.

Edited by Joshie2

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I refrained from answering your posts as well as the PM your friend sent me, until I heard more on the situation.

You weren't banned for camp raiding, or killing people, otherwise I'd be forced to ban myself along with most of the bandits. The group(s) you attacked, we're only a minority of the number of complaints we'd been receiving regarding your friends. Things from duping to name-calling to whathave you were being messaged to us in the day or two leading up to the ban. I was out of town during whatever drama went down, but "banning for raiding an admins friends" isn't the reason. Myself and several other blew up their camp quite a few times, as had the other admin.

/me shrugs. Not saying anything one way or another.

We're still gaining members fairly regularly and while I'm sorry for whatever went down, but it happens. It's the first people who've been banned, and I'm hoping it's the last.

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I refrained from answering your posts as well as the PM your friend sent me, until I heard more on the situation.

You weren't banned for camp raiding, or killing people, otherwise I'd be forced to ban myself along with most of the bandits. The group(s) you attacked, we're only a minority of the number of complaints we'd been receiving regarding your friends. Things from duping to name-calling to whathave you were being messaged to us in the day or two leading up to the ban. I was out of town during whatever drama went down, but "banning for raiding an admins friends" isn't the reason. Myself and several other blew up their camp quite a few times, as had the other admin.

/me shrugs. Not saying anything one way or another.

We're still gaining members fairly regularly and while I'm sorry for whatever went down, but it happens. It's the first people who've been banned, and I'm hoping it's the last.

Like I asked before which i never received an answer on what were the complaints? Name calling and what not is widely practiced on that server by many people. As far as the duping that only duping that happen was on complete accident most of the time we didn't even use the item that was duped. All we did we adhere to the rules yes we did raid camps frequently because lets be honest they were easy targets to replace all the stuff that would get stolen from us during the night. We never once complained when we lost 5 out of our 6 vehicales in one night we didn't really use tents since we were highly moble as a clan. We stopped talking in general chat period when the server rule of no trash talk in general was made so I don't see how we could ahve gotten banned for the reasons you all are stating. So I am still unclear on why we got banned can you please list specific examples you don't have to use names if you don't like but at this point I don't see how it would matter. Either way I glad your server is growing I had no issues with you personally Jesfa even when you poped my melon the first day i started there in stary after you blew up the market that I lived through.

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Do not waste your time on this server unless causing "drama" due to your in game actions (legal actions at that) sounds like an acceptable bannable offense.

The Admins are clearly new to the admin buisness and as so are unfit for such a role. I could see the admin Kainelderan start cracking under the pressure of constant whinining and complaints of people we either killed or camps we raided. A responsible admin would tell them it was part of the game but the easier way to solve the problem was to get rid of the people "winning" so the crybabies would settle down.

Get this... the ban we received came within 20 minutes of raiding the lastest clans base which the admin was seen in the night before. Admin must think his server means he should have a nice safe time... get real its a post apocalyptic game.

Also Jesfa I sent you a well thought out and constructive PM and you ban me without response... real mature. You guys know you are 100% in the wrong and couldn't even win the forum debates. The only thing these clowns are good at is banning people when they know there is no other option than defeat.

Sorry if this does come off like a rant unlike Joshies post but spending over a weeks time to build a home and reputation and have it stolen without a warning, notice or the dignity to let us say our last goodbyes is totally ridiculous.

Have a really nice day,


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