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Tried to put on ghillie suit and teleported to sea

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Date/Time: 15/09/2012 14:06

What happened: Found a ghillie suit and retreated to some bushes NE of the N cherno hospital to put it on. Dropped alice pack and it dissapeared, figuring I would relog to try and locate it I put the ghillie suit on. Nothing happened so I clicked it again thinking the context menu had appeared behind the inventory screen. Nothing happened again, I came out of inventory and saw my alice pack on the floor and was suddenly teleported into the ocean. I disconnected and reglogged in and was put at Electro. I lost all of my items except my equppied M1014 and my items in the toolbelt. I am not wearing a ghillie or a backpack.

Where you were: Small clump of bushes NE of the cherno hospital on the N road

What you were doing: Attempting to don a ghillie suit

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Totally forgot to check and can't remember the names of users to check on DayZ commander

*Your system specs: 8GB DDR3 RAM Nvidia 560 448 edition, i7 2600k, 2TB of storage

*Timeline of events before/after error: Found in house, went to supermarket and got alice pack, went to hospital and got supplies, went to bushes to put it on, teleported to sea, relogged in at electro, relogged again no change, changed server, no change.

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simaler issue with hero suit. only its in most server at spawn. Or just after i leave the game for 1 min to poop from playing 3 hours and rejoin. any insite would be helpfull.

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simaler issue with hero suit. only its in most server at spawn. Or just after i leave the game for 1 min to poop from playing 3 hours and rejoin. any insite would be helpfull.

Slightly wrong version, don't you think?

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simaler issue with hero suit. only its in most server at spawn. Or just after i leave the game for 1 min to poop from playing 3 hours and rejoin. any insite would be helpfull.

hah. poop.

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Slightly wrong version, don't you think?

Thread is quite old though

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