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Cutting Fences,Animals and Backstabbing

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Some ideas I have for DayZ standalone:

1) Add something that can cut through fences and wire fence just so you can get through obstacles easily. you could barricade of roads so people will need this piece of equipment if they want to go on a ride.

2) If people want to gut animals, they should be able to kill them with a hunting knife, it is silent and no bullet waste. You could make this a challenge by making the animals getting scared if they see you, suspect danger.

3) You should add a feature to backstab (or break the neck of) people. speaks for itself.

I hope to see these features in the game.

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1) They already have that. It's called a toolbox.

2) Already suggested.

3) Already suggested.

Do your research before posting.

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1) They already have that. It's called a toolbox.

2) Already suggested.

3) Already suggested.

Do your research before posting.

Ok, but i mean not only being able to cut through fence wire, I mean a legit fence

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Okay I get you, maybe they could just implement some bolt cutters or something for that?

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