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This is a SIMULATION, not a GAME.

Hardcore Realism?  

139 members have voted

  1. 1. Hardcore Realism?

    • GAME, NO.

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Even Oculus Rift cannot replicate the true peripherals of the human eye. All 3rd person does is add the awareness that a normal human would have of their surroundings. Its a program based on technology that can't replicate our reality (including all our senses as humans), So I think it's fine

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So what's next? People with 24" monitors are cheaters?

You have to also understand the limitations of the game engine used for dayz. It was meant for FPS combat games not hybrid MMO's

Edited by RogueOne

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In real life, I have a haptic connection with my body and can sense where my limbs are, I also have a very wide FOV that's impossible to capture in a 1st person view (without getting a 200 degree wrap around monitor / HMD).

Third person gives me these realistic features! However, the problem is that it violates the reality of line-of-sight, allowing me to see around corners.

This can be easily fixed by having the engine compute a shadow-map from the avatar's head, and not rendering any objects that fail the shadow test. Then if something is visible from the 3rd person camera, but not visible to the player, it won't be drawn.

That's the real fix, and it's easy to code.

Also, for people who suffer from kinetosis (simulation sickness), 1st person games induce nausea, so for them, 3rd person is a great accessibility feature.

This man gets beans for solving the only real problem with 3rd person.

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This game's not realistic or a simulation or a sandbox game. It's a mod of a what was designed 2 years ago as the basis for someone else to use simple scripting to make an actual simulation. RDH added complex hunger/thirst mechanics and zombie AI to make a survival horror simulation. Then he removed most of the encumrbance limits to encourage high levels of military style PVP. Furthermore, if you've played an actual sandbox game, you'd realize that sandbox games are first and foremost built on fully-realized worlds. DayZ is static and empty with designated zones for hostile NPCs.

In short, it's too unrealistic to be realistic and there's no sand in the sandbox.

Another description would be that DayZ is a "box" game where you run around trapped with other people poking at the sides and each other until you get bored or they get more interesting.

But it's still early. Maybe the sand they add will be really awesome.

Edited by BazBake

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Bunch of tryhards in here trying to convince themselves that the GAMES they play are somehow making them military badasses.

It is a video GAME under the genre of simulation, not a literal simulation. A real simulation is dull, drab, sitting in a make-up cockpit holding a joystick and looking at screens of information for hours on end, and is 0% entertaining. You're not special. You're not black ops. You are sitting at your computer playing a GAME.

It almost sounds like people aren't even playing this to have fun, but to be part of some "training."

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I'm saying that this is a HYPER REALISTIC SIMULATION. Besides the Infected,

HYPER REALISTIC SIMULATION. they're sort of the game....


anyone else spot that?

claims it isn't a game... says its a game.

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Some people can run faster then others..

Stupid boy, everyone knows heros are former Olympic marathon gold medalists :P

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anyone else spot that?

claims it isn't a game... says its a game.

I changed my opinion.

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