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My Friend needs a Medic at the Airfield!

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He has a broken leg :/... If anyone can treat his broken leg and provide us with an additional Morphine and some other medical supplies, I have several DMR clips.. I don't have the gun for it anyways. We voice chat via either Skype, Steam or Ventrilo. If your really stocked with stuff.. any donating items would be sweet! Highly unlikely of course.

Edited by Forgewolf

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2 people at NWAF needing help? Can't possibly be a trap.

I kind of contributed to his broken leg.. See I ran up stairs, while he was running down stairs and he bounced off me and fell off a stair case. This is our first time being in the Airfield too. I can't blame you if you think its a trap. All I can say is its not, you can voice chat with us and get DMR mags out of it. Edited by Forgewolf

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I kind of contributed to his broken leg.. See I ran up stairs, while he was running down stairs and he bounced off me and fell off a stair case. This is our first time being in the Airfield too. I can't blame you if you think its a trap. All I can say is its not, you can voice chat with us and get DMR mags out of it.

I might help, but I would prefer it if I was only helping one person. Easier to watch.

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I might help, but I would prefer it if I was only helping one person. Easier to watch.

I don't need the medical assistance, so I could just stay logged off I guess? We try to stay in low populated servers too, so that makes things a little bit easier too. What else do you need besides a Radio? And what is a Radio even for anyways? Edited by Forgewolf

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I don't need the medical assistance, so I could just stay logged off I guess? We try to stay in low populated servers too, so that makes things a little bit easier too. What else do you need besides a Radio? And what is a Radio even for anyways?

The radio is purely for looks. Serves no purpose. Fine, I'll help. If you can, head to this gas station west of Grishino. http://dayzdb.com/map#4.051.049

Anywhere inside the NWAF is pure trouble. PM me which server, and give me a few minutes to travel there from Black Lake.

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EDIT: Never mind someone else is going to help you.

Edited by Skat3rat

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Never mind dude.. my friend ended up getting sniped and died.. I decided to just disconnect.. Thanks for the offer to assist though.. : (

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And that folks is why the Medics will never go into NWAF

Reason why I made the meeting point outside of the NWAF.

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