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Some Suggestions

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Hey All

Here's a list of suggestions I'd like to see added to the Mod in order to improve gameplay making it slightly more realistic. So far the games F**Kin awsome and I dont know if im just being picky but for me these small details will make the game far superior....hope you all agree.

Fall Damage Adjustment: When players fall from a small flight of stairs or a deer stand this should cause a sprain or minimal damage not broken bones. Broken bones should be dealt from falling from 1 story rooftops instead of dying.

Walking Hordes: Large random groups/hordes of Zombies wandering across the map that can go through forests and along roads in search of there next meal....proper zombie walkers!

In the bigger towns zombies could possibly gather in large groups making it far more difficult and dangerous to attempt a loot run.

Realistic Loot: Loot should obviously be found where dead army personel are lying or in military vehicles etc. Even military zombies should at least have ammo or weapons as they woulda been armed to the teeth before they died.

Blood and Hit Animations: Blood should splatter when shots are fired into zombies or players. If you shoot a player or zombie you should see a knockback reaction from the area hit...and everyone loves nothing more than awsome splatter animations coming from your latest victim.

Melee Weapons:Knives and Hatchets (or any other handheld tool) should also be used as melee weapons rather than just tools for certain tasks. I'd love nothing better than sneaking up behind bandits & zombies and slitting the throat or embeding my hatchet into there skull....even when you run out of ammo, using the butt of your gun or pistol whipping in order to stay alive for that minute longer helps.

Clothing:The ability to strip clothing from your victims would also be handy....zombies or players. This would add a wider range of skins and player customization.

Well thats it, as I said before, please dont think im being over picky on these subjects....I just prefer attention to the smaller details that gives PC gaming the edge over consoles and makes games like this the number 1 PC game to play.

Anyway...keep up the awsome work and glad to see 1.7.1 will end zombies ability to walk threw walls and doors!!!

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Fall Damage Adjustment:

I agree' date=' you should be able to jump down from small things without breaking every bone in your body.

[b']Realistic Loot:

This would be a nice thing to add.

Blood and Hit Animations:

This would be awesome, but i dont think this is possible since this has something to do with the arma2 engine and not the mod itself?

Melee Weapons:

Having Melee Weapons would be really cool to have in-game. Throwing knives would be cool, and the ability to throw melee weapons that is not blunt.(if they ever implement melee weapons into the mod)

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Cheers Dude

Another thing I'd like to see added/fixed is the egg timer. It looks pretty gross for now and needs a revamp but why not add the ability to be able to snap out of it. Possibly having to shake left and right keys plus mouse.

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