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Gentlemen, the Churnarus Republican Army has longed for a purpose ever since we left the Free RPG Server.

In our distant history we fought for law and order, we fought the disorderly tyranny of P.Ghost. Now we fight for order in Churnarus once again, this time when the dead walk.

Enlist in the CRA to allow safe cooperation between players, post your name here to enlist, then add this tag to your in game name (CRA)

Membership will ensure survivors always have friends to back them up.

CRA does not prey own its own members and we live by a code of protection of the innocent.

We are not necessarily "rangers" but we are not bandits either, CRA members will not randomly attack passersby.

Join us for cross server security and comradeship.

We use the Island Life Team Speak Server for communication.

Long live the CRA.

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Yeah, why not.

I typically try to be helpful in game, going so far as to hand out extra bandages/morphine injectors/food, if I have surplus, as well as passing along intel on good loot that I passed by.

I usually play as Apocalyte, or more recently as Pries.

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i would like to be part of the CRA. Im always trying to be helpful but end up with bandits shooting me up. COUNT ME IN!!\

also my name in game is gunna be (CRA)Diego

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I am glad to see the same spirited reactions that we first received at the moment of our conception.

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I'm glad to see more clans being formed. Maybe we can share the hate from the QQers instead of all of it being aimed at Legion.

Maybe we can arrange a co-op mission between our clans and do some looting?

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Perhaps, the future is but indefinably many occasions of experience waiting for a determining factor. I see hope among man kind.

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I think that may be a good time. Though why is hate directed at Legion to begin with?

I mean, aside from what I saw on the forums about the mod on one of your servers, I haven't really played with/heard much about you guys Legion guys.

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Expendable... QQ'ers? Your group was hosting a server for the whole Day Z community, yet kicking the very people that donated to keep it up because they didn't wear your tags. Granted you guys seem to have solved that slight issue, but you coming here and calling the people that made your group change your stance QQ'ers is not quite fair considering some of them have donated to the upkeep of your server.

People have this "hate" of Legion because of this very stance and it'll take time for opinions to change. So instead of insulting the people you want to convince, try being nice. It might work.

Edit: I have posted again since this, so please read this as well as my latest reply

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A couple of legion guys were pilfering my stash once and I shot them to pieces. I was just musing on my "well you can't even trust the "survivors" why whale on people for having bandit skins" thought when one of them started severely cussing me out.

I enquired if the bro was mad. He waxed wrothful, which I considered somewhat hypocritical.

What are QQ'ers? I keep seeing the phrase around but haven't figured it out yet.

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I will clear up my stance on this. I have seen a whole gaming clan banned from all the Project Reality servers. I don't want to see the see thing happen to Legion. I don't mean to come across like I'm getting at you guys, but just rethink things.

The whole group got banned, and are still banned because of the way they treated people and Legion started off that way. Yes, you are starting to get things sorted, but you still cant go insulting the people that play on your server, when they support your server by playing on there.

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You're a bit ill-informed Lofty. We were kicking people who were not members or donators. Like you said we ceased that action. We've cleaned up our act too, to some of our member's disdain.

TBH the hate is more of a knee jerk reaction to our name. It has nothing to do with 4chan, but players associate us with that group because it is similar to their slogan. Oh well. Haters gonna hate.

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I am familiar with the problems inherent in the creation of a new unit. The memory of most transgressions fade with time.

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I have and never will use 4chan. I know from personal experience how Legion was before, having frequented your server, and a friend being kicked for calling one of you a bandit.

I'm glad you have ceased those actions, and will support you guys in any way I can. Some of your members won't like the change, but thats something you have to deal with within your ranks. If your guys dont like it, they weren't meant to be with you.

I have no issue with your name. Yes, some people do, but some of the issue was with issues that have now been resolved.

I wish you guys luck and hope I'll be welcome on your servers as you are on mine

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...but you still cant go insulting the people that play on your server' date=' when they support your server by playing on there.


I can insult anyone I wish, but I choose not to. The mod community is small enough that we could kick people all day if we wanted to and there would still be an abundance of players trying to connect. We don't however because you have everything backwards.

We are supporting the mod community, and the players, by hosting the server and paying for it out of our own pockets. There is no ad revenue. There is no hosting deals. Legion members pay for the server out of pocket. Don't presume to think that you're doing us a favor for playing on our server.

I'm not trying to start problems.

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I put an edit at the end of that post, so I hope you won't hold that against me.

I'm also not trying to start problems, as I hope you can see with my 2 responses since.

I have explained my reasons for saying what I said, and I hope you can take note of what I said, without taking offence to it.

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I have and never will use 4chan. I know from personal experience how Legion was before, having frequented your server, and a friend being kicked for calling one of you a bandit.

I've also seen Legion members swearing at people and then telling them not to swear back or they'll be banned. Presumably an empty threat because they player continued swearing and nothing happened.

I am a frequenter of 4chan and I didn't even make the connection. I just thought "Just another overblown clan name" trololololol. No but seriously, why no decent clan names any more? I played a CS clan once called "The murder clowns".

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CRA Jebtonia, if you wish to request this thread be cleaned up, please do so. I don't want to bring any ill-will against your new clan

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Expendables response speaks for itself, after Legion have apparently resolved their issues.

"I can insult anyone I wish, but I choose not to. The mod community is small enough that we could kick people all day if we wanted to and there would still be an abundance of players trying to connect. "

I don't have anything backwards. I am speaking from experience.

"Don't presume to think that you're doing us a favor for playing on our server. "

There you have it folks. Legion will do as they wish with their server no matter what happens.

"by hosting the server and paying for it out of our own pockets." Not true. You were asking for donations yet kicking people, You have no way of identifying donators, unless each one sends you account details

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Can you flesh your clan idea out a bi more Jebtonia?

Are you going to be playing purely defensively, are there restrictions about who can join, etc etc.

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Basically were a affiliation of survivors that team up.

Aiding other survivors, both members and nonmembers is highly encouraged, although we will not force you to.

Its not a ideal world so we do allow our men to kill preemptively after the have asked for conformation that the man in question is friendly and the man has not responded.

Their is no universal strategy, small companies of men may be highly prudent to completely neutral, or heroically aggressive (bandit hunting/ horde slaying) based on the preference of that group. However we do not maraud innocent survivors

All are welcome, unless previously pointed out as a troll. (Expl. Some bandit gets killed cusses us out then tries to join so he can hurt us)

Companies of men may elect their leader as they choose on a game by game basis, these leaders may be overstepped by the Military Council. (I am the only member of the MC that frequently plays this particular mod.)

CRA has always been about seeking order and reason in chaotic environment for the benefit of the players. This was formed during our fight with P.ghost. We set up a moment for a Republican government(rule by law) as opposed to the random nature of the frequent dictators that Ghost installed and unfairly promoted using his admin powers.

This belief in order and reason is what drives the CRA. We do not force our men to do good, rather they do it in the name of order and reason.

And a world full of the walking dead needs such concepts, and these concepts are found in humanity.

Trust is the foundation of society, and we wish that the bulk of humanity may put there trust in the CRA.

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Basically were a affiliation of survivors that team up.

Aiding other survivors, both members and nonmembers is highly encouraged, although we will not force you to.

Its not a ideal world so we do allow our men to kill preemptively after the have asked for conformation that the man in question is friendly and the man has not responded.

Their is no universal strategy, small companies of men may be highly prudent to completely neutral, or heroically aggressive (bandit hunting/ horde slaying) based on the preference of that group. However we do not maraud innocent survivors

All are welcome, unless previously pointed out as a troll. (Expl. Some bandit gets killed cusses us out then tries to join so he can hurt us)

Companies of men may elect their leader as they choose on a game by game basis, these leaders may be overstepped by the Military Council. (I am the only member of the MC that frequently plays this particular mod.)

CRA has always been about seeking order and reason in chaotic environment for the benefit of the players. This was formed during our fight with P.ghost. We set up a moment for a Republican government(rule by law) as opposed to the random nature of the frequent dictators that Ghost installed and unfairly promoted using his admin powers.

This belief in order and reason is what drives the CRA. We do not force our men to do good, rather they do it in the name of order and reason.

And a world full of the walking dead needs such concepts, and these concepts are found in humanity.

Trust is the foundation of society, and we wish that the bulk of humanity may put there trust in the CRA.

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