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Sound and the game

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This may be better suited for an Arma 2 board, but I thought I'd see if any of you had ideas. I have a clan member who runs Windows xp. I don't know all of his system specs, unfortunately, but his sound is onboard sound, I know that, and it's an out-of-box computer, not a built one. He had no issues with the game until a few days ago, when he updated an arma patch. Now he has no sound in the game or in Arma 2 or Arma 2 OA. I did some troubleshooting with him, it's not his sound in game or his system sound. Looking up fixes for it, they say that sometimes it can kick your sound for the game down, and you can adjust it by going to your individual sound settings. But XP doesn't have that ability....any ideas? He has uninstalled and reinstalled the game, same issue. This is the only game he's having sound issues.

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