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Vehicle fuel empty after reconnecting

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Is there a bug I'm missing with vehicle fuel? I have a pickup, tractor and ATV. All were full when logging out for the night but empty when I joined this afternoon. I then filled up the PU and ATV with the last of my fuel and same thing happened after reconnecting to the server. Anyone else have this problem? And how do you fix it?

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Every restart your fuel drains.

Atleast vehicles auto-repair now.

Both bad and good bugs in .6...

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Every restart your fuel drains.

Atleast vehicles auto-repair now.

*thinks about helicopters*


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Atleast vehicles auto-repair now.

Do they?? Didnt notice that, but didnt had much of a need to repair them either, so i might find out soon enough...

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*thinks about helicopters*


Yup it happens to ours...Fucking sucks

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Can confirm. Fuel drains upon log, cars repair to full.

Also, can cofirm that my cars/tents (hidden well and FAR apart) are in the habit of just disappearing on my empty server and I keep logging into debug with zero gear.

Poopburgers all around.

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