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Doom Guy


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So, I've played Day Z for awhile, and seem some crazy shit, but some of the stuff I've seen has really moved me, or just seemed like it was right out of a movie. I have decided to bless you with some of my stories.

Story 1: Me and a friend were walking into a town and we heard shots. Lots of em, and thats when we hit the deck, and saw zombies running. Turns out some guy had fired shots for whatever reason, and we walked by and he saw us and asked for help. So what did we do? We left him. We figured if he was pulling all the zombies between here and fucking Zargon 7, planet of the mole people, that we could loot in peace. We told him, good luck, try to stay alive for a few more minutes until we finish looting and we might help him. He died, and I felt really awful. I don't know, he seemed friendly, and all he wanted was help, but I just left him.

Story 2: After meeting an awful death by hacker, I decided to do something I call The Cherno Challenge for that particular life, where I go to Cherno, and never leave until I die. I got lucky and found a Coyote backpack in the firestation and a Ghillie suit, I chuckled about how I have all that, and I'm still using a damn hatchet. So, I forgot to take off my pack when I put the suit on, and I thought "Fuck, there goes one of the good things I had going for me" and tried to see if changing to my civ. clothes would bring it back, nope. Instead it glitched out and gave me another civ. clothing instead of my ghillie suit. Great, both things I had going for me are gone.so I spam it in anger, end up in debug. JUST. FUCKING. GREAT. Log out, and log back in. Kamenka. I thought to myself "This could not be any fucking worse" when I hear a WURRRRRRRRRRR. I spot the bus but it drives off before I get near. I try to chase it, as one of my friends laughs at me trying to track a bus down. I figured if he's on the coast he probably just got it, or is picking up a friend and he probably needs gas. The only major stop that road goes to is Zelenogorsk and I book it. I steal the bus, honking as the guy quickly runs out and tries to shoot me. So, I meet my friend in Stary and we spot 2 crashed choppers in the same field, just outside of Stary, maybe 100 meters apart. Later we lose the bus due to a server crash. We're heading up to the NWA, and I see a hero in some trees and thing "Wait, wasn't my friend to the right?" I glance to the right , see my friend, glance to the left, that guy is still there. I figure, since he is a hero, and hasn't opened fire yet, he is probably friendly. We carefully approach the man, moving in a way that he knows we saw him, but letting him know that we have no intentions to fire. We get there, and have a chat with the man, he asks for some morphine and blood and we help him out and ask what happened. He tells us how he and a guy he met on the coast had been looting a town, and then a Helicopter came by, and opened up on them before pulling out. Turns out it hadn't left, it was inserting a ground unit to move in on foot while the heli provided air cover and overwatch. After his friend was killed and he narrowly escaped with broken legs and what not, he thought we were going to kill him. We looted the NWA when we heard something in the distance. It sounded almost like....like....a helicopter. It spots us, and we realize we are NOT going to make it if we try to run. This guy decides to repay us, and get some payback and he covers us as we run away to our car about 2k meters out. He covers us while we run and we tell him we'll come back. So we grab the car, and we head back AFAP. We arrive and as he runs for the car BAPBAPBAPBAPBAP. Dust shoots up around him, and blood spurts out as his face twists up, he collapses and dies. We drive off and get shot the fuck up and die.

I have many more, but I didn't expect that story to take long, so I might post more later. Hope you enjoyed.

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Good stuff. Emergent gameplay at it's finest. You will get a bunch of 'cool story bro' and 'pics or it didn't happen' but thanks for sharing anyways. I love the memorable situations this game generates.

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So the hero was friendly and died like a hero to let you escape (for a few minutes) ?

I want to be like that guy.

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Brilliant! It's good to see you're having some memorable moments in this game and you met a true hero :). Love hearing about these stories and on behalf of us friendly hero's thanks for not shooting the one you seen when you realized he was friendly!

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So the hero was friendly and died like a hero to let you escape (for a few minutes) ?

I want to be like that guy.

I honestly don't know if his intention was to die, considering the fact that he was booking it, but I think he was willing to die, if it meant repaying the favor. Atleast he died thinking he saved us. One of the reasons I don't use skype for most people I meet is so death has a bigger impact. I know I'm never going to see that guy again most likely. He's gone. I won't hear him, or see him. I actually cried once when a guy I met and played with for a few weeks died.

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Hero skins.

I got KoS'd by one of those. Never giving them the chance to do it again.

Good story anyway~


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Hero skins.

I got KoS'd by one of those. Never giving them the chance to do it again.

Good story anyway~


Well, most heroes don't. Also, why the fuck do you have a signature in your post. THAT'S WHAT FORUM SIGNATURES ARE FOR! Fuck, that's been bothering me for AWHILE.

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I thought this was a rage post lol

Good story though, very dramatic ending!

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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Hero skins.

I got KoS'd by one of those. Never giving them the chance to do it again.

Good story anyway~




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I salute players who are awesome like that hero. I am a hero and I try my hardest to offer assistance to people in need in however way I can - except the last time I offered assistance to a guy who had blood pouring out of him; I asked if he needed me to give him a blood transfusion, he shot my leg and called four of his other friends to come and stand around me and then he finally kept shooting me until I died. All I had for a 'weapon' was an axe - and that was to keep zombies quietly at bay while I rescue others.

Edited by Hotdog

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Hero skins.

I got KoS'd by one of those. Never giving them the chance to do it again.

Good story anyway~


The chance of being shot on sight by a hero is only reduced not completely negated, especially if you are wearing a bandit skin.

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