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The 1 thing you need from the DayZ Standalone.

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Never. Everyone needs the same skill set. No leveling, tree's, points, perks, nothing that gives an advantage other then experience over a fresh spawn compared to a veteran. That is one key feature to DayZ, or at least I think so.

I think it's simply not authentic that everyone is able to fix Cars, Helicopters, Give Blood Transfusions, Gut animals. And all that with exactly the same efficiency as everyone else. I could explain the concept I have in mind in detail now, but I have to go.

One thing: It's not with "trees, points, perks" but very reduced and everything in the background.

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I think it's simply not authentic that everyone is able to fix Cars, Helicopters, Give Blood Transfusions, Gut animals. And all that with exactly the same efficiency as everyone else. I could explain the concept I have in mind in detail now, but I have to go.

One thing: It's not with "trees, points, perks" but very reduced and everything in the background.

You can't apply some features to real life situations and not others.

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One thing - damn thats tough.

Assuming that the hacking situation is dealt with (or cut down 99%), then I agree with your first post. Zombie spawning. More emphasis on the zombies - rather than the afterthought that they are. I wish you could clear areas, or find ghost towns. The spawning and zombie behavior is understandably poor, but it is a mod after all and one that wasn't originally intended to feature zombies (to my knowledge).

But then I could list a ton of misc things. Like more vehicles. And more ''random'' things. Think boss type zombies, bow/arrows, horseys, random ''ufo/bigfoot'' type easter eggs like I always wish gta had. Ability to write notes, use radios, safe zones for trade, better clan features - pretty much everything i've heard war-z or the standalone having. I'll go now cuz i'm going off on a tangent xD

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That's a really neat idea and I have no idea why I have never heard it before...

because it is actually a really bad idea. zombies don't need to be slower, or grab you.

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I think it's simply not authentic that everyone is able to fix Cars, Helicopters, Give Blood Transfusions, Gut animals. And all that with exactly the same efficiency as everyone else. I could explain the concept I have in mind in detail now, but I have to go.

One thing: It's not with "trees, points, perks" but very reduced and everything in the background.

I think this debate is rather big in terms of the direction of the game. part of me is wanting random traits on your char... some people are slower than others, some people need glasses etc... but would that make it enjoyable??? I'm not sure.

on the otherside having choices to choose your profession and such skills is in fact a choice that we have IRL. but would this detract from the game??? I don't know...

perhaps a skyrim type progression, that's completely invisible and works on repetition? ie- run faster, hunt more efficiently (better gutting = more meat) etc...

all this could be do-able, also exploitable though... I'm up in the air on this one lol...

ps good thread gambles!

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numbers of zombies in proportion to the size of the city. one just shouldn't be able to breeze through cherno or elektro. it should be a suicide mission.

I fully agree with this, definitely larger population of infected in relation to city, town and village, maybe even random spawns of infected in the woods etc.

I would definitely like to see Zombies (undead) put into the game though, they should be slower moving of course and maybe spawn in buildings to even out their slower speed, this would also make looting inside buildings more difficult, you could have it that if you are spotted by a zombie, it will alert the infected outside and then your in even more trouble lol.

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These are some raw ideas I have for a Skill/Stat/Perk/Ability/Progression - System:

1. Learning by doing: You get a little better every time you do something.

- Only small progressions, You can only tell the difference when comparing to an earlier stage.

- Upper Limit: You can not exploit this system to get a huge advantage on others.

- No visual announcements like "Skill increased to 83" in huge red letters in the middle of the screen. Everything happens in the background. You can only "feel" your character get better with time, not look up your character sheet.

How fast a Skill increases can depend. You don't have to gut 100 Cows to get just 1 more piece of meat. Neither can you construct a decent bow after playing with some sticks for 5 minutes.

The progression would be:

- time needed to do things (you get faster)

- efficiency (It holds longer, restores more health, needs fewer parts, gets you more items ...)

2. Starting Skill Sets: A Number of Skills that determine your "class"

- To start with a skill higher than average, you have to set another skill lower than average.

- again, you only see the skills when you choose them at the beginning. After that, you will only "feel" how your character behaves doing things.

- Maybe features like "Classes" (=Pre-defined skillsets) or randomized skillsets could be implemented.

to illustrate this idea:

Skills can have 5 starting levels: very low (20), low (35), medium (50), high (65), very high (80).

The Standard Skillset is to have everything on medium.

To increase one skill, you must decrease another. So the sum of all skill levels stays the same. (For every "high", there needs to be a "low", for every "very high", a "very low" or two "low")

Skills could be more general (Medicine, Crafting, Fitness, Survival, ...) or very specific (Bandaging, Weapon Repairs, Animal Gutting, Meat Cooking, Strength, ...) This could also be your choice, if you really want to go deep, or just set the basics.

(What could be another feature, If your starting level is higher, you can develop it more than if it's low. So: The maximum increase is 50, so if you start at 50, you can go up to 100. If you start at 20, you can only go up to 70. From 65 to 115, and so on)

3. "Advanced Skill": Special abilities you have to learn (from other players):

- these advanced skills are those that, in real life, require special training or education.

- Some are available from the beginning (depending on your "class"), Others need to be learned.

- You can teach and learn from other players. (an alternative/addition would be skillbooks you can find)

Advanced Skills could be: Blood Transfusion, Animal Gutting, Engine Repair, Weapon Crafting, Base Construction, ...

The "learning" could happen like this: You need another player, and all the items needed. Then the other one applies this skill (gives a transfusion, whatever) while you are standing close to him. So he "shows" you how to do it.

What would add a bit of realism (and to prevent things like *you cannot do this yet* popping up on the screen) could be that you can actually try to do the action, but with a 95-99 % chance of failure. That could go from simply spilling the blood bag all over your clothes, or causing the patient to start bleeding.

And a very important thing: "Skills" are only those, that can not be based on actual player skill. So, there won't be a "Sneak" or "Orientation" Skill. Also, the Damage of Guns will not change with your skill, neither will the accuracy.

And I hope you understand what I'm trying to explain...

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Taliban suicide bomber slaves that you can trade for mountain dew in a market place. Oh yeah and Japanese kamikaze bombers.

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I see a lot of good ideas in here like the zombie population theory, I hope that Rocket still frequents the forums :).

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