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So after we got kicked out of the server again, and we lost our car. We decided to wait for them to leave the server, when they did we started walking to the camp, but on the way we found the admins camp with cars and everything, took all the stuff we needed and blowed the rest up with satchel charge.

Next day we see this when we join the server.

Note: Marius was my old name.

"Marius Und Lieen Sind Schwul... ;)"

in English

"Marius and lieen is gay... ;)"

should i report them or leave it be.

You guys decide.



Edited by WakeUpDeadMan

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So after we got kicked out of the server again, and we lost our car. We decided to wait for them to leave the server, when they did we started walking to the camp, but on the way we found the admins camp with cars and everything, took all the stuff we needed and blowed the rest up with satchel charge.

Next day we see this when we join the server.

Note: Marius was my old name.

"Marius Und Lieen Sind Schwul... ;)"

in English

"Marius and lieen is gay... ;)"

should i report them or leave it be.

You guys decide.



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Report it.

I once got banned from a private hive server for running the admin over with a UAZ.

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You got to report it... Simple as. " Cant be childish like that"

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