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Tent Black Hole

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Date/Time: 14-Sep-2012 08:30 GMT

What happened: I decided to stash my good rifle (L85) in my tent so I could head down south and die a couple of times. I open up the tent and hit the inventory button to move the rifle from my main slot into the tent inventory. The rifle and accompanying STANAG SD ammo is removed from my inventory but only the STANAG SD ammo appears in the tent. The rifle did not appear to have fallen on the ground and upon saving the tent and relogging the rifle did not reappear in my inventory or in the tent.

Where you were: Tent stash in the wilderness.

What you were doing: Adding a rifle to a tent.

Current installed version:

Server(s) you were on: GB #500

Timeline of events before/after error: 9-5: Tent was pitched and items were added including 3 sets of NVGs GPSs and Rangefinders, some STANAG SD ammo. Tent saved. 9-11: FN-FAL and FAL ammo were added to the tent as well as several cooked meats. Tent Saved 9-14: Attempted to add L85 and STANAG SD ammo to the tent, only the STANAG SD ammo arrives, L85 dissapears. Tent Saved. Exited and reentered inventory screen both in the tent and outside of it. Rifle did not reappear. Scroll menu does not give an option to select the rifle. Relogged. Rifle did not reappear. Joined another server. Rifle did not reappear. Rejoined GB#500 and checked the tent. Rifle did not reappear.

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what probably happened: you can only put 10 weapons/toolbelt-items into one tent

if you add one more it gets placed somewhere outside the tent.

unfortunately that somewhere can be very far away ... on some flat surface in the vicinity.

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