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Bearded McGee

Vehicles Displays

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it's bugging me right now, it sure is gonna bug me even more in the standalone.

I'm talking about the vehicle details display in the top left corner.

How can a player can magically tell how his car is doing, on a chromatic scale6

A fuel gauge display, for one, is sorta okay. It's the kind of information you can get as a driver in any motorized vehicle. Same goes for speed.

But to know how "well" your engine or your fuel tank itself is doing? Not so much.

A better header would be the sound of the engine. a damaged engine would make a much worse sound than a tiptop one. At best, have a on/off warning display reading CHECK ENGINE once the engine gets damaged a bit (say, if its condition is under 80%).

For the fuel tank, only how fast your are using fuel should be your direct indicator.

Again, same for the wheels. You'd either need to listen carefully to the car rolling around or simply to get out and do a manual inspection.

Back for the engine or the fuel tank, there you would need to do a manual inspection to see how well they are doing. Requiring a toolbox, it would become a scroll-down option to do an engine check or to see how the fuel tank is doing.

Here, even, you wouldn't get an absolute informative report of the well-being of those parts. You'd get a message along the lines of:

"The engine looks good, but could need a bit of repair"


"The engine looks damaged, almost beyond repair"


"You see gas leaking out quickly out of the fuel tank"


"Maybe a patch or two and the fuel tank should be okay"

Of course, each vehicle would need a custom header and display.

About tires, many (if not all) heavy-weight trucks (think Ural/V3S) have systems to tell the driver if all the tires have enough air pressure. In their case, then, having a [WHEEL] display would be acceptable. Only, also, maybe not a chromatic one. A "Low Pressure" indicator would appear instead.



Edited by Axelord FTW
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Yes yes and yes! I've been thinking about this multiple times and never really got the fully idea as you got here, the arma 2 vehicle information does not fit into dayz at all. As you said, fuel-meter, opening the place where the engine is located etc. Yeah, I totally support this

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Seems rational to me, this is supposed to depict real life. Have my beans sir.

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