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My Story: Road to a Bandit

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During my experience with Dayz (roughly 4 months), I have always been caught in the middle with deciding if I am a survivor, or a Bandit. I was always weary and cautious when it came to other players, and most of the time would fire if confronted with them. But while I was applying for a different clan, I came across a the question, "Are you a bandit, or a survivor" and I had no idea what to say. Well after playing just another usual day in Chernarus, I came across a broken bike in the middle of the street of elektro in front of the supermarket, my first thought was "wow, im sure this will bring many players to test it out, it will be fun to just watch their bahavior" and sure enough the first axe wielding man appears, and I had this strong urge to shoot him. One shot to the dome and he is down at the side of the bike, a few moments later, another man comes running into town to check out the bike and bam!@ another shot to the chest to knock him out and a second one in his head. After feeling no remorse and converting back to the bandit skin, right then and there I had realized that this was the side for me. I have made the permanent transformation as a bandit, I feel welcomed to the dark side of Dayz.

Thanks for reading my boring bandit story, just kinda my intro to the bandit life.


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My story on being a hero. The guy that got me into the game is far from being one. In every game I've played I'm just a nice guy as most people are generally not. After learning the game mechanics with a friend I started logging into the game solo, found myself spending precious ammo to kill zombies on other players. I've ceased fire on people that claim friendly after 3 to the chest, I aim for the chest on purpose like that.

And to be honest I can't tell you why I'm a hero...just because I suppose out of all my squad mates I'm the only one who will let people go. (Couple are a no shooting unarmed folks).

Mind you I have no shame in watching my bandit friends pook a dome piece or two if you've thrown bullets at me. More then a couple have felt the AS 50 from a buddy. I've seen them sniped and me spared as well, that or I just hide really well. Ultimately for me it just comes down to I've always done nothing but help people in the games I play. Doesn't stop me from the occasional mistake or fuck the world moment but meh.

Still feel bad for gunning down a guy named CnTlR or something like that. Might been CnTL1. Was meeting up with a buddy, told him not to move he didn't listen, ran right at me I held my fire, he moved away about 100 meters and then opened fire...no clue why I did it. The poor guy died 7 more times that night. I'd like to have met up with him and helped him instead of adding to his already mounting death streak.

Edited by Gavalin
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My story on being a hero. The guy that got me into the game is far from being one. In every game I've played I'm just a nice guy as most people are generally not. After learning the game mechanics with a friend I started logging into the game solo, found myself spending precious ammo to kill zombies on other players. I've ceased fire on people that claim friendly after 3 to the chest, I aim for the chest on purpose like that.

And to be honest I can't tell you why I'm a hero...just because I suppose out of all my squad mates I'm the only one who will let people go. (Couple are a no shooting unarmed folks).

Mind you I have no shame in watching my bandit friends pook a dome piece or two if you've thrown bullets at me. More then a couple have felt the AS 50 from a buddy. I've seen them sniped and me spared as well, that or I just hide really well. Ultimately for me it just comes down to I've always done nothing but help people in the games I play. Doesn't stop me from the occasional mistake or fuck the world moment but meh.

Still feel bad for gunning down a guy named CnTlR or something like that. Might been CnTL1. Was meeting up with a buddy, told him not to move he didn't listen, ran right at me I held my fire, he moved away about 100 meters and then opened fire...no clue why I did it. The poor guy died 7 more times that night. I'd like to have met up with him and helped him instead of adding to his already mounting death streak.

Ya thats the thing, I respect a hero, i had like 4500 humanity as i was going for the hero side, but decided him or me, Im not really the "kill everything that moves" bandit, just a "get in my path you will die" kinda bandit, if a man is unarmed, i will most likely not kill him, just get some space between me and him and warn him to keep his own space, but i definitely like the rush of shooting a fellow dayzer, plus the reward can be quite great!

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you really can't avoid killing people makes the game boring getting shot on sight trying to be friendly

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my story goes as such:

It was a usual day in cherno, zombies moaning everywhere, dodging sniper bullets like a boss, eating beans.I must have angered a zomble somehow. i ran up on top of one of those cylindrical things, when, all of a sudden, a hero skin comes up after me.I beg him for a gun to shoot those zombies, and HE GIVES ME A FREAKING MACHINE GUN, and a revolver. i look at him and say thanks. he says it was ok,. he had another mg in his back pack. Dark thoughts pass through my mind, and i open up on his face. he wasnt lying, he had a ton of gear, cyote pack (the big one) and a ton of ammo for the mg, and another mg! i went down the ladder and proceded to eleminate everything in cherno. i shot and killed 20 unsuspecting survivors, 100 zombies, 10 perfectly suspecting bandits, and a pig.

All in all, a good day

Edited by Perigrin
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sorry about bad writing

not my fav thing

Edited by Perigrin

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True Story.

Dreadsauce grumbled to himself as he walked down the road to Balota. He had just looted Kamenka dry and had naught but an axe, some cokes and a can of beans to show for it. He wanted to get into Cherno, get a gun, and get up North before he was sniped or waylaid.

As he trudged along the side of the road, drinking his soda, he froze. There was movement. He guzzled the rest of his beverage and dropped to his knees, drawing his hatchet. He scanned the cliffs, the railroad tracks, the road, the light-house. Then he saw it.

There was a man on a bike. Not very old, not very young, clad in the gear of your average Chernarus survivor. He had a quaint smile on his face and a glazed look to his eyes as he pedaled along on his shiny green bike. He turned and spotted Dreadsauce as he rounded the Light House, giving him a little wave.

Dread stopped. This guy had a bike. Something he did not have. Yet another person with shiny, crispy, deliciously awesome gear that he always had to do without. This person was probably the same kind of person that'd find a DMR on the coast or happen upon a truckload of beans. Lucky and never wanting, invincible and untouchable. This person probably got all sorts of good things, whereas Dreadsauce constantly found himself awakening on the coast, with no gear and a faint memory of having his ass capped.

This person was luckier than him. This person had better things than he did.

He had enough of it.

Something broke within Dreadsauce as he stood there, eye twitching, watching as the man on the bike turned and headed his way, hand raised for a high-five. His adrenaline surged, his muscles clenched, all thoughts erased and replaced with one irresistable urge.

Get. That. Bike.

Dread cocked his axe back all the way as the person biked into arm's reach. With a roar, he swung it with the fury and strength of a thousand men. There was a sickening crunch as the biker's skull caved in, the force of the blow turning his bones to fine powder. He was flung clean off of the bike, doing a backflip in midair before falling flat onto his ruined and bloodied face.

Dreadsauce breathed heavily, slamming his weapon into the biker's back for good measure, not bothering to look through his things. He took a moment to calm himself, and then started toward the bike.

He climbed onto it, adjusted his hat, and pedaled off into the afternoon.

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my story short version some one had a nice fal and i have a winchester now i was against bandits but i needed that gun i choose to shoot it so walkers come we team up after they are all dead i kill him and now im a lone bandit looking for a clan

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Ya thats the thing, I respect a hero, i had like 4500 humanity as i was going for the hero side, but decided him or me, Im not really the "kill everything that moves" bandit, just a "get in my path you will die" kinda bandit, if a man is unarmed, i will most likely not kill him, just get some space between me and him and warn him to keep his own space, but i definitely like the rush of shooting a fellow dayzer, plus the reward can be quite great!

Yea I never really cared for the skin to be honest. Its just the play style. If Zombie apoc happened. (Considering I hope it does some day!) I've been considering what I'd do for years. Who'd I would trust what I would do? I came to the conclusion that I would be weary but as I do unto others as I wish done unto me I find myself helping as many people as I could. If I came across a soldier and I was unarmed. I'd want him to protect me or give me some help. So I try to cover anyone with a horde of them. I would like to give people gear I found from the north. However I never make it from a full run (I get me gear then someone kills me, well I've only got one legit death. I have almost fully geared out five people) Sadly I know all five, got them into the game and communicate on something other then DayZ. I'd like to do this -in- game.

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my bandit story was somewhat of an accident but im glad it happened. I was walking on the roof of the school in Elektro when I turn the corner with my trusty crowbar and proceed to beat the living hell out of the hatcheter didnt have the greatest stuff but it was fun.

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I was shot down by other players almost instantly anytime I tried to engage them with voice chat on, saying: Friendly dude, wanna team up?!

Boom, headshot. So yeah, I became a bandit after being constantly killed, during my whole dayz experience (one month) I encountered only three people I remember that helped me.

One of them even gave me a blood transufusion, so there really are good people out there. I don't shoot on sight, however as soon as I see the other player aiming towards me, I take him down.

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Nah I got killed without even hearing the shot and after crawling around in elektro found some gear and chucked it to NW airfield logged out after the long run then logged back in (Lying in the barrack's bathroom) I heard footsteps in the barracks and just kept still and aimed my akm at the door the next second he was in sight and I let rip. Got Coyote backpack biggest one ghillie suit dmr m4 acog and thats why I am a bandit

Edited by Spartan_ZA

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