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ProTip: Steam desktop shortcut to Arma 2: CO and quick connect

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Hey guys,

Like many of you, I use steam. I was ticked off at ARMA2's crappy mod interface where I had to pass shortcut params to the exe to load my content... The only other option meant I had to use third party tools to pick and choose what mods I want to run - BUT by using these, you lose your steam overlay, which some of us like to use to chat, or when you're walking for 20 minutes to Vybor...

Anyways, I finally figured out how to make a desktop shortcut that will launch Combined Ops, load DayZ and (if you want) connect to your favourite server.

1) go to your steam directory. For example mine is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead

2) Find the .cmd file in there called '_runA2CO.cmd' - This is what steam uses to launch Combined Ops (the game needed to play DayZ)

3) Copy this to your desktop (or anywhere you want really)

4) R-click>edit the file

5) Find the line near the bottom that begins ":runs" - mine looks like this:


"%_STEAMPATH%\steam.exe" -applaunch 33930 "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca"

Notice the parameters... These can be edited to include the dayZ params.

6) Add the desired params - in this case for DayZ:


"%_STEAMPATH%\steam.exe" -applaunch 33930 -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca;baf;pmc;@dayz;"

7) Save, and open the file. This runs dayz in the steam overlay without the need to edit your steam parameters if you ever wanna play stock Arma2.

BONUS ROUND - Launching your favourite server

1) You will need your favourite servers port, and IP or Hostname for this to work. Many admins place these in their forum signatures. Edit the file again, and add the following lines:

"%_STEAMPATH%\steam.exe" -applaunch 33930 -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca;baf;pmc;@dayz;" -nosplash -connect= -port=2302

You can change the ip, and port to the one you want. This one connects to my server: US866

2) Save the file as something like "DayZ US866.cmd"

3) Go bean hunting.

I hope others find this useful

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or... go the easy way... download and install the dayz commander. 3 clicks more to load on the server but you will have a much better serverlist with much more filters. With the commander i can join 9 of 10 server succesfully. The ingame browser is shit only noobs are using it.

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or... go the easy way... download and install the dayz commander.

the point was to retain the steam overlay - as per my original post.

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My only problem with DayZ Commander is that for some weird reason my macro keys don't work at all; no clue as to why that happens. But I personally love DayZ Commander.

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