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A Public Service on UK227

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Good Evening Fellow DayZ'ers,

So, after a non eventful and non too profitable scavenge in Berezino just now I stumbled upon an ATV parked up near the shore line in the the trees. It wasn't there on my way in so it had been there 30 or so mins, tops.

Anyway, being the naturally curious type I took a peek into what gear it had. Well well, an AS50 with TWS. And 10 mags.

Jackpot, right?

I put my Lee Enfield down, grabbed the AS50 TWS and headed at full sprint to the beach. There I waded chest deep into the surf and dropped the AS50 TWS underwater. Then I sprinted back to the ATV, recovered my Lee Enfield and put .303 rounds into it until it formed a nice burning pyre. I hope whoever was using the scripted in weapon was in the nearby industrial part of Brerezino looking for engine parts for the ATV and heard the boom and saw the plume of smoke.

I'm going to bed now with a warm feeling of having helped rid DayZ of those scripted in .50cal bolts of Zeus, all be it in a very small way.

I wonder how many reading this would do as I have done, and how many would have taken the AS50 TWS knowing full well its scripted in?

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AS50 tws..meh, wookie cannon. The Mk 19 40mm grenade launcher is a far superior weapon ;)

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