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Wolf Pack Zach

[WP] Wolf Pack - Is looking for new members, Apply today!

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Why hello there! We are the group known as wolf pack. And we are looking for some skilled and knowledgeable people OVER AGE 18 to join us! We just got our new dayz/mumble servers together and would love some new active players! We are a very tight-nit group focused on fair and balanced gameplay. And we are hoping to excel in squad pvp, and helping new spawns.

ALL POSITIONS ARE OPEN AS OF NOW. (Sniper, Assault, Medic, Engineer)

If your interested in applying heres the link: http://tiny.cc/WPdayz (We will get back to you ASAP)

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Link to join our server: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/97854-wolf-packs-server-grand-opening/#entry922669

Edited by Wolf Pack Zach

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Sure was ASAP brah

You spammed apply 2 times and 10 mins later your yelling about how long it took? Also for your Preferred Playstyle, you wrote "Hero mah nigga"

Sorry, but i think ill pass.

Edited by Wolf Pack Zach

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You spammed apply 2 times and 10 mins later your yelling about how long it took? Also for your Preferred Playstyle, you wrote "Hero mah nigga"

Sorry, but i think ill pass.

Aww damnit now what am I gunna put down for playstyle...

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Hmm, seems like a fitting group name for me to join but I have one official and two unofficial groups already... Please stay away from servers I play, I'll kill anyone that has anything related to "Wolf" if they're not in my group. And it'd be an awful shame to lose my hero status...

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Hmm, seems like a fitting group name for me to join but I have one official and two unofficial groups already... Please stay away from servers I play, I'll kill anyone that has anything related to "Wolf" if they're not in my group. And it'd be an awful shame to lose my hero status...

Woof Woof broseph!

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Do you play on DE 141? I saw some of your clan maybe 3 people maximum on the server. I was player hunting but didn't find anyone nor was I ambushed driving a motorbike through major cities... Kind of disappointed thus far.

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Do you play on DE 141? I saw some of your clan maybe 3 people maximum on the server. I was player hunting but didn't find anyone nor was I ambushed driving a motorbike through major cities... Kind of disappointed thus far.

Nope wasnt us,

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Do you play on DE 141? I saw some of your clan maybe 3 people maximum on the server. I was player hunting but didn't find anyone nor was I ambushed driving a motorbike through major cities... Kind of disappointed thus far.

Hey FishIsTwonk, you propably saw me [WP] Merlin and some of my friends. We're called Wolfpack as well though we are not a real clan but a small group of players that just plays together.

I generally try to avoid player hunting in big cities ;) I am not a fan killing low equipped survivors with your military grade weapons

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Im am an experienced player, ive played 1.5 years and very good at comunicating, i know where things are and i am someone who can watch your back :), im nice and respectfull and i joke... ALOT, i only kill if i dont know you or get shot at,

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