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So, what? DayZ becomes a hackers paradise ?!

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Hi @ll,

im just posting this thread because of the big Q: Whats wrong with those guys, whats wrong with dayz ?

I was on Day 42 with 560 Kills and 1 murderer (was a bandit kill, but my defence was better than the snipers skills)

Now i was running away from elektro to head into cherno, looking for loot and maybe others to help out

I had great loot, 2 big guns and my favorite M1911 with a lot of ammo. I was a bit proud about my stats, because its the very first time i didnt died that long

So i was running at the cost between cherno and elektro, chased by a Zed, as another guy was heading right behind me. He had a sniper and a ghillie suit and it seems like he was just following me. He did nothing but running behind and besides me, round about 500meters.

That was a bit strange, but i thought maybe he want to have a chat after we get rid of that Zed

After these 500meters he stopped, went into a crouched position and just 1 second later it bangs. Some kind of grenade explosion but he didnt throwed something, he was just going to crouch and BANG

i died immediately, as the game displays in the lower left corner.

But there was only my name, not anything else

In fact the core of the explosion was his body, so he cant survive that bang

What happened here? Whats the advantage of this, and does someone has a similar story ?!

My lost stats arent a big problem, i really enjoy a dayZ restart because of the proning, crouching, looting and the fear against other players as long im unarmed.

And to be honest, the game becomes boring if you got a big bag with all stuff inside, nothing left to do, if you're not a bandit

But that guy pissed me off

thanks for reading


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You got killed once by a hacker in 42 days. I got killed by hackers five times last night. I'd say German servers are a little better off.

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Kamikaze hacker?

Now that's a mildly entertaining one.

And let's be honest, if you were running back and forth between Electro and Cherno and just let some random guy in a ghillie run beside you then you would have died soon anyway from some legit player killing you.

Edited by Professional N00b

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not, really ?!?

dont take this thread as whining .. thats not what its meant to be

Shit sucks but what can you do? Secure your server as best you can or say fuck it, stop paying to support the community and go play a game that doesn't have gaping security holes.


That sounded dirty.

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No don't worry, it didn't sound like whining. At least you get to start again on a new journey.

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poetry, nice ... ;)

It's Tupac, guy. Did Tupac never make it to Deutschland?

Bullshit, there's a statue of him in Herford.

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We just had something similar on a german server. We where driving to a safe place to refuel our white off road pick up, when suddenly in the middle of the field the car stops, and starts burning. There wherent any shots fired and there where like 4 people on the server at this moment. It simply stopped moving and changed to a burning wreck. Our guys simply step out of the car, and fall over. There was no Explosion but we went from 12k blood down to 4 and the timer would have taken too long. I Never disconnected in a Firefight but after watching my blood fall below 3k I thought, fuck that and hit the button combo.

My mate said he would make it and at the moment he got up again, hes dead. Btw its terrible that you cant have both anymore. (Debug and symbols)

So, he said dont worry, He geared up quickly and came back in a matter of 20 minutes. Right when he approaches the wreck and I get in again, he says:

"WTF, there is a Ghillie!"

"What, where?"

"Right behind you, he teleported behind you!"

While my mate tried to kill him and hit him 3 times with the Leroy Enfield, the other guy just turns around shots him instantly in the Head.

This took some seconds luckily, otherwhise I couldnt have disconnected. Like I said, im none of those combat dc´ers and so I takes at least 5 seconds for me to do so.

I got no problem with loosing my gear in a Firefight, even if i get sniped. But I wont loose my stuff to a hacker and or random glitches again. My Character before on day 27 got Killed by a server hopper who logged in the southern barracks at the right time right when i wasnt looking.

This game has a really shitty community basicly, I mean, they even post vids of them hacking/scripting in this very forum and are proud of themselves.

Thread was "thank you" in the gallery, allready have been taken down.

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From what you're saying, it sounds like he quickly placed a satchel charge then immediately touched it off (detonated). but he had godmode on. wile you were within 30 meters of him, so yeah, ded.

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It's Tupac, guy. Did Tupac never make it to Deutschland?

Bullshit, there's a statue of him in Herford.

Do you think if i didnt knew that this is a tupac song, i'd recognized that this is some kind of poetry ?! run brain.exe ;)

ok it seems like what happens to me isnt unusual. I knew that there are hackers in dayZ, but i didnt thought that the new target of those fuckers is to kill people.

spawn 50 peoples to kamenka is funny, okay, but just killing a single guy? I really dont get that

thanks for your patience guys

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