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Server - No Support or Answers

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I would not normally complain about to much, but this has gotten to me.

I had applied for hosting a server for DayZ a few weeks ago.

Which got accepted.

Server was installed and running fine for about 3-4 days, a few teething probs here and there but was running.

Now, since the Update 1.6 etc, the server has been getting the hiveauth mysql connection error - Are you Whitelisted?

Yes Hive latest version installed etc.

According to replied email, my Ip address is Whitelisted.

Ip is a Static Ip address so no changes in IP have happened.

Upon contacting all the support emails you see here in the forums, I recieved a few emails in return, alas, still no resolve.

All of the obvious reasons why it wouldnt connect have been investigated my end - ports, firewall, dmz, basically the server is fully open and with no restrictions for communicating outside and recieving requests etc.

Upon investigating and repeated emails to about 3 sources of DayZ support, 2 weeks ago I still have had no response to my requests.

I am an IT Technician by trade and flourish on support for customers and requests alike for help.

Server in Question is ANZ10 - originally ANZ9 which I got assigned upon applying.

Which Matt initially setup, ans sent me information for.

Which now for some unknown reason is someone elses.????

If you need me to email the responses and non responses out for my email and the ones I recieved for setting up, I am more than willing to do so. Again.

Bit Concerned about no support.. - Awaiting response from 2 weeks ago still for support.

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i am also having the same problem i applied to have my server whitelisted a while ago sent a few emails to both addreses on the site but so far have not be replied to in the slightest

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Hi Guys,

I've been managing the e-mails for the past couple of weeks, and I can confirm that all server related e-mails have been passed on to the server team to process.

The reason your requests are being processed so slow is due to a tremendous back log of issues the team are currently working on resolving. Naturally they are working from oldest to latest to catch up and will no doubt get back to you at the earliest possible opportunity.

Please be patient, the server team isn't a full time group nor are they paid for the services they provide us with. We understand you're situation is unfavorable and frustrating, but I assure you we will deal with it as soon as practical.



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I have repeatedly, asked for assistance and have been asked to join a MIRC channel which I did, I received very lttle assistance when I asked around, getting told not to ask this and that, finally someone help ful gave me and Internet address to go to, but alas , needed a username and password.

2 Weeks on I still havent recieved the Username or pssword to the Server files for me to update my server.


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Marshall, I do agree with you on the slow support, but please keep in mind that the support is coming from unpaid guys working on a free mod. Also keep in mind that the amount of people playing this mod has grown exponentially over the past few weeks.

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This guy is an IT Technician by trade, show him some respect for Christ's sake!


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Still no replies to emails.

A simple email reply with some details on Server update files would be good, a PM even..???

Even re requested a new server... No Responce to that either.. Still holding breathe,

I see quite a few US servers running and very little Aussie servers, do the US get priority support with Servers?

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Still no email responses, no PM support or forums support, cant be that hard to assist can it?

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Marshall, you need to give them sometime. There is very few on their server team, and like they said, they dont get paid for this, they do this during their free time, after work.

I am also in the IT field with IBM, and these guys technically dont owe you any SLA services for this mod.

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Marshall, are you running the latest of hive? Hive EXT?

Older versions of hive were denied accessing the database because they can cause corruption.

PM me, and I'll send you the details for the Dayz Admins IRC channel, which has access to a lot of resources and skilled server hosters who should have the time to assist you.

I may even be able to help, I've been running UK4 for a long time now.

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Hi White coat,

Thanks for replying.

I Have spent quite a bit of time in the IRC Dayz Channel, with little or no support.

I recieved some details with a web address to get the latest Server files and updates I need to get the server going again..

This as I previously stated needs a username and password to access.

I asked for this many times in the IRC and got no answers at all.

Courgon you state it takes a bit of time.. and true they dont owe me anything in respect to SLA services.

I have not asked for SLA services, simply support for getting a server to support DAYZ developement etc..

Twice now I have been given it takes time?

1 Email in response - it takes time.

I have removed all files from my server, and reinstalled clean fresh, updates etc, all done what was asked when installing the Server side of the DayZ.

Also got told it was my end, that was causing the issue - Whitelist

I apprecited those that are willing to help, but this is really short coming.

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