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Zombie aggro range increased again or just a very random moment?

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Okay, so I started a new game and I noticed that a zombie aggroed me from 50 meters while I was crouch-running. So at that point, I was like "Okay, zombies being random again." when I noticed a zombie that aggroed me from behind a building two blocks away. So I was starting to doubt it was a glitch. Then I sneaked into Balota airstrip and I thought I was fine crouch-running, when one of the freshly spawned zombies aggroed me from 30 meters and he was behind the ACT tower.

For your interest, I found a G17 and a PDW on Balota airstrip, but I was so fed up with the bullshit, I let the zombies eat me.

And by the way, I tested this even before "starting" the new game, I ran outside a building and sprinted in a circle. Guess what? The whole fucking town was on me. Even the zombies behind the building.

I'm not exaggerating anything, this literally happened. If you are having these problems, please let me know.

Edited by Sutinen

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