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Morchaint (DayZ) Server becoming unplayable due to barbed wire

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So someone (or someones) has placed barbed wire throughout most of the key buildings in Cherno and Elektro (fire stations, grocery, etc) on our server.

Every time we remove this barbed wire, it all returns after server restart.

Is there anything we can do to remove it permanently?

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I've seen some servers resort to blocking the placement of barbed wire in the first place. Despite that it's most assuredly against the DayZ server rules, I can see why they would do that for the precise reasons you're communicating.

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I understand that this is an Alpha and that we have to deal with bugs. I am very supportive of that. No big deal.

What confuses me is why server rules are enforced as if this is a finished release? Why not let server admins do what they can to deal with the bugs?

So in order to stop griefers from covering my server with bugged, irremovable barbed wire, I have to risk getting my server black listed?!

Was barbed wire removing permanently in or Will rolling back to either of these resolve the issue?

Edited by Morchaint

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