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Bailey (DayZ)

Soilder clothing?

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So I was in Elecktro and headed to the fire station when I saw some smartarse blocked off the stairway up, I could se a AK aog there with atleast 5mags. So I loged onto another server just so I could get past, But there was two clothing items there. One was a cilivian clothing the other was soilder. SO I put it on and had a solider skin. Then I went up one more and found bloody satchel charges!!! I went up again and found a g17 and a coyote backpack.. I mean why did I just get so lucky?

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Why did you just get so lucky? Because you just found a bunch of stuff dropped by a script kiddie. And script kiddies are all over the place these days.

Personally I'd get rid of at least the soldier clothing since it is not supposed to be in the game. May be able to keep the rest since it's unclear if it is hacked or not though.

Edited by Professional N00b
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I keep soldier clothing when I find it. The only. Unfair advantage it gives is that it looks a lot more badass than camo clothing,

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Did you hack the equipment? No you say? Then use it. Why not?

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Isn't he going to get banned for picking up hacked items?

nope he isn´t only the scripter will get banned not the past script user.

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Hacked, but terribly cool. ;-)

Sure, there's novelty in it - just go play some normal A2CO and curb your enthusiasm. If there's any reason why hacked-in weapons are prolific in DayZ, it's because of players who've never actually played A2CO.

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we set up our own Server and for testing Refule Script / Nockout .... we locked it from the first start.

At the first Heli crash i found Soilder Clothing and today i found 2 more of them.

So we need to sort these loot out?

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we set up our own Server and for testing Refule Script / Nockout .... we locked it from the first start.

At the first Heli crash i found Soilder Clothing and today i found 2 more of them.

So we need to sort these loot out?

Instead of ressing an uber old thread, how about you just make a new one?

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