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Angel Knight

Switching servers - come grab free stuff

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My group and I (lovingly dubbed my merry men :D) are soon to be switching servers, although we're not sure exactly where we will be heading. Our primary pass times are hoarding gear and vehicles (meaning a pickup truck and two ATVs, not the entire server), followed by randomly distributing it to every person we can find. We do other stuff too, of course, such as going right into the middle of Elektro and seeing how many zombies we can take out in a blaze of glory, or maybe seeing how long we can maintain a free taxi service along the coast. In short, we go about trying to create a better Chernarus and make the game more enjoyable for as many people as possible.

After discovering that our current server is operated by hackers, we've decided to pull up roots and find a new home town for our nefariously good willed schemes. Any server admins around willing to take in a bunch of vagabonds? PMs please :D

On a side note, our former server was US 1704. There's plenty of goodies we left behind if anyone cares to go grab some, although the loot may disappoint you when compared to hacker camps. There are three tents right in the middle, and in them we have 1 as50 (maybe 2??? we're not sure), 2 or 3 DMRs, an M14 AIM, 1 M4A1 CCO SD, and one M249 SAW. There is also a metric ton of less rare guns, including most AK variants and most of the M series (M4s and M16s) and maybe one M9SD in one of the tents. There is also a tent packed full of medical supplies under the tree next to them, another tent filled with vehicle parts across the clearing. There are two ghillies in the medical tent, and I believe there may or may not be an extra GPS in one of the tents as well.

Also, there is a working pickup truck (you'll need a jerry can) and an ATV (this should have jerry cans in it).

Our camp was located at 038-038 on US 1704. To find the tents, go to the hill northwest of the NWAF and head to the small clearing at 38 38, then head ever so gently into the trees to the northeast. I would encourage anyone heading there not to kill leach other, as there is plenty of guns and ammo for everyone.

Also, we know there is a scooby van in Zelenogorsk. If you remember my last story, To the -gay- team, then you may remember a certain bus that we tried to repair. That bus is still by the road near Kabanino.

There's also the small matter of the hacker's camp. I don't have the exact coordinates, but it is on the very edge of the map west of zelenogorsk, on top of a large hill. There is so much barbed wire and tank traps that it actually caused artifacting on my screen, which was what enabled me to find it (irony, sweet irony; by protecting their camp they gave away its location). I don't know how much variance there was as far as north and south is concerned, but if you head to far west and start working your way down the edge starting around Zeleno, you should find their camp.

There's not much left. I had just spawned in Kamenka and decided to run up the western edge of the map, and the artifacting made it hard to miss their camp. When I looked in the tents and found lovely items such as silenced PDWs and other neat little surprises, I wasn't sure what to do with it. Then I remembered that my tiny starting pack had only eight spaces.

Let's just say my backpack is also the world's greatest trash compactor! Roughly 50 guns felt the wrath of my coyote patrol pack, and only the sidearms were spared. After that, I saved all the tents and loaded all the GPSs and NVGs into their Ural.

My plan was to ride back to my camp and get as much of my own gear as possible before blowing up the ural and everything inside (not sure if that actually destroys the items, but it was worth a shot). Problem is, one of them teleported next to me and stole the ural back before I could plant my hand grenade under it. It may be back at their camp near Zeleno, I'm not really sure. Just be careful about going over there if 'bob' or anyone with HCS tags is in there server, they are likely to appear next to you for an execution.

That's all the intel I have, although I believe there are a good number of vehicles still in their original spawns on this map. Good hunting. :D

Edited by Angel_
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hey angel after dropping u guys at your camp i found the hackers campsite! about 25-30 tents

location is 126 x 126 top of the hill :D

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  On 9/13/2012 at 12:09 PM, 3vil_Nin3 said:

hey angel after dropping u guys at your camp i found the hackers campsite! about 25-30 tents

location is 126 x 126 top of the hill :D

Nice work. I guess they had more than one camp.

EDIT - 126x126 is in the middle of the ocean. >.>

Edited by Angel_

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Checked my old camp again this morning, still stuff here. Also, there's a bus down behind the NWAF.

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' Wrath of the Coyote' ..there's a movie begging to be made with that title :D

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  On 9/13/2012 at 9:03 PM, Hetstaine said:

' Wrath of the Coyote' ..there's a movie begging to be made with that title :D

I need to download FRAPS I guess... my whole group was cracking up as I read off the list of stuff I was feeding into my black hole backpack™.

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