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Ping spiralling out of control

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Hi wondering if anyone can help. Everytime I join a server today, I will join and have a ping of 50ms or under, however when the game loads it does so very slowly and I either get kicked for having a ping too high before it finished loading or I will load in and it will be extremely laggy and I will get kicked after a few minutes for the same reason. The last game I got kicked from my ping was 15439, apparently im playing from the moon! Ive tried everything I can think of to try and solve this (reset the comp/modem, cleaned my registry, turned off all other programs except my AV, etc). Ive tried launching from the six launcher, the game itself, but nothing makes a difference. It isnt just on 1 server, its happening on them all (Australian and NZ anyway). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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You may find commander or playsix, you don't mention which, has unfettered access to the interweb through your firewall. Check that arma2 has also got complete access.

Ok thank you for your help. Ahh im not much of a computer person so how would I do that though on Win 7 lol? FYI after posting this I tried again and it worked, on a low pop ANZ server, but it worked fine. I kid you not tho I tried at least 10 before it and tried different fixes I found in the forums but to no avail. Oh, but no loot was spawning so I guess that was my trade off :(

Using the Six launcher too BTW

Edited by DonkiiPuncH

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