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Rachel S

Car and Equipment giveaway! Right now!

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Hey new players! We just stared up a server and would like to try and help new players out by giving them a vehicle and gear.

We are parking a Hatchback loaded with guns, ammo, and gear for the first person that finds it.

We will be providing protection from bandits the best we can. Good luck!.

Server number US 2847

IP (

Car location: Hidden in Pusta

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Not a trap... With the amount of cheaters and scumbags out there, setting a trap would be too much work. X3

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New players ONLY. If you're geared up and you come near that car you will be shot and your stuff will be added to the car's loot pool. Ghillies shot on sight.

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Beans for you good sir, i recently got glitched and spawned with EVERY bit of my gear gone, but its 2:20 in the morning so im off to bed. If it is a trap though, shame on you.

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I don't think it was a trap. They had 3 people 360 watching the hatchback. I was just worried though, so I was protecting it for a fresh spawn. And I killed two of the 3, and the Restarted their server.

Great job, guys.

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You killed two people, and we shut it down. Nice hax bro. TY for ruining a nice thing.

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I don't think it was a trap. They had 3 people 360 watching the hatchback. I was just worried though, so I was protecting it for a fresh spawn. And I killed two of the 3, and the Restarted their server.

Great job, guys.

Why ruin it though? That's why people PVP because they get screwed over in the first place :/ they were just being nice...

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Hacks? Just kidding.

One of you were in the middle of a field to the left of a little hut.

guy #2 Prone by a fence

Nice job calling me a hacker

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Fuck off kid. You cheated and probly used the AS50 thermal to find us.

Just check the scripts.. can see what he killed you with, right?

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I use a regular as50. I can take screenshots if you'd like.

There was a Camo'd body in front of one of the guys I killed.

So good try "Nice thing"

Just kidding.

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Am I skipping my medication?

I logged in, figured it was a trap, ran over there -- Found it. 3 people there. I killed two, You restarted your server. I had a regular AS50, and I spotted you with an L85A2 AWS.

Are you angry because you can't shoot?

Because I think so.

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Am I skipping my medication?

I logged in, figured it was a trap, ran over there -- Found it. 3 people there. I killed two, You restarted your server. I had a regular AS50, and I spotted you with an L85A2 AWS.

Are you angry because you can't shoot?

Because I think so.

Still, i must know.. why ruin there nice gesture to a new DayZ recruit?

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Because when I got there, I saw one person, prone with an as50, right in front of a body.

I figure if theres a body there, they probably killed him.

If they killed him, they're killing people that run towards the car

so I genuinely thought it was a trap, and went about killing them.

I was protecting it for a bunch of new players that I just met on these forums, with a clan that I now play with.

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None of us fired at anything, you started picking off the group and nobody fired at you. and none of us had an L85A2. Why are you policing our little event when we said we were going to try to protect the car ourselves?

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Because clearly you weren't "Protecting" it if you're sitting in front of bodies prone. Also -- I think it IS admin abuse to shut down the server if you're killed.

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One of our guys got himself killed and his partner was picking up stuff to add to the car since he rage quit. And yeah, I wasn't killed, and since you're a shitty person, we shut the server down and we're going to try to give the car away another time. Fuck you, dude.

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So i shouldnt come then? lol

Doesn't look like it bud, some people gotta ruin the nice things in life ;) gonna have to go hit up elektro ;)

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Way to show your new recruits how to be a decent human in DayZ by slaying a group of people trying to hook someone up.

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We're gonna try again tomorrow and with more members to keep an eye out for assholes like this clown.

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