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Clans are welcome on MG private, server with whitelist addon!

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We have been running our private server now for a couple of months with success, it was a locked server where only registered members on the MG forums could join, the password could be found there. Unfortunately tonight, after 1,5 months we had our first hacker that killed everyone etc.

We have installed a new whitelist mechanism that only allows specific GUIDs on the server and we whitelisted all our friends and known clans such as KURADI, KOD, DODGEMENT and PFTW which played for months without any issues!

We do not accept any unknown individuals anymore, only people that are invited by the clans above and new clans! (3+ members) The policy is that we will wipe an entire clan if one member is caught cheating. (and he will be reported at the community banlist ofcourse)

Clans: if you need a home, please register at http://mgftw.com/forum.php and you will get hooked up.

We hope we can serve the DayZ community with a cheat-free server. At least, that's what we are trying.



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Hi dude... is this a US or EU server?

(edit: nvm... see you guys are dutch (vet!), will contact you for a request for access)

Edited by BR4INZ Chopper Bob

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