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Robot Talk

DayZ ✪Professional Clan ✪ TeamSpeak ✪ Fun ✪ Competitive ✪ Unique Ranking Structure

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If you joining a real clan that is organized and competitive than check out our website below. When I say a real clan, I mean having a professional website, TeamSpeak communication, and a number of squads.

Nowadays you see all these clans being formed, but what do they have to offer you? Absolutely nothing.

What's the point in joining these random clans when usually they die out and aren't really active to begin with.

wRt isn't just a group of players like most clans. We have an official website and we play competitively while having fun at the same time. So be sure to check us out.

We're looking for mature players who know how to have fun. I know the internet has scarcity involving those two things, but hopefully you don't.

Things wRt offers

  • Strong community with a unique website
  • TeamSpeak Server Communication
  • 18+ Serious Gamers who know how to have fun
  • Competitive Ranking Structure
  • Future Squads in Multiple Servers
  • Private Server Access with advanced security to prevent playing with hackers
  • Plus Much More!

Be sure to register to our site and post an application via the navigation panel.

Click Here or go to http://wRtClan.Com

Edited by Robot Talk
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Hey, do you have any german speaking members? My english is fine but I'd feel more comfortable with some1 I could talk to in my own language sometimes^^

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Hey, do you have any german speaking members? My english is fine but I'd feel more comfortable with some1 I could talk to in my own language sometimes^^

We don't, but If you'd like to recruit your German speakers into the clan we might start up a german squad or something.

Edited by Robot Talk

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So how does your "Competitive Ranking Structure" work. Checked your site and it didn't have anything posted on it that is accesibale. I would think that would be on your main page instead of buried in forums that you have to register to look at. I already have enough forum passwords to remember.

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Our ranking structure is competive as in you work for your rank. I don't have it listed on the site yet. I've been busy with essays lately.

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That still doesn't really explain anything. Generally any ranking system you have to "work for your rank". If you could vague it up a bit more that would be great.

Well when I say competitive you are competing others for a rank. It's not oh you've been here for 2 days here ya go. The structure is not based off the military. I don't really know what you're looking for.

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Ok, then, How would one progress in rank in your clan. I understand you'd start at the bottom. What beniefits does ranking up get you? How many ranks do you have etc.

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Why don't you come in our TeamSpeak. I can explain everything there is to know about the clan and any additional questions you have may be answered at that time.

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Or you could post details on a thread where you're trying to recruit people. I can't just hop on your TS server since I'm at work later tonight. Hence why I'm asking here. =)

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Benefits of ranks include having power in your squads. We don't get all serious like military ranks, but we try to have organization. When I say competitive I mean if you stay active and you're a chill person then you have a possibility of running your own 10 man squad etc.Once you become an officer in one of our squads you may be qualified to open up your own squad. We branch off our squads when we max out. Each squad plays on a different servers (Private Hive).

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Logos nice, but I don't think you can be a "Professional" clan in a mod of a game.

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