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[TSC] The Snakes Clan Now Recruting

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Age : 20

Dayz/Fps Experience : Around two weeks of Dayz/ hundred of hours of FPS gameplay, mostly BF2 project reality

Why do you want to join? : I am very interested in playing this game as a group to be able to expand my Dayz experience and contributing to help a larger group reach its goal is to me very satisfying

Where are you from? : Sweden

How often do you play? : As much as possible really

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Age : 20

Dayz/Fps Experience : Have played for a few months

Why do you want to join? : Want to join a team, tired of playing alone.

Where are you from? : Buffalo NY

How often do you play? : Every day

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Ello! I am looking forward to finally join a clan in this game

Age : 17

Dayz/Fps Experience : I've been playing dayZ for the past month so I know abit more than the basics, for sure. My fps experience goes 7 years back to Counter strike which then moved out to other FPS's such as BC2 and BF3

Why do you want to join? : Because I need a ride?? And because I need a team for sure... this game is not for a lonewolf

Where are you from? : Sweden

How often do you play? : Every to every other day

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Age: 15 (Mature)

Dayz/Fps experience: I've played counter-strike source at a high level, I've played ARMA II for 1 and 1/2 years and DayZ pretty much since it was released which is about 4-5 month

Reason to join: After my last clan disbanding I'm looking for a new one!

Country: UK

How often do you play: Most days from 3-12 gmt

im sorta new to posting and recieving messages on this forum but if you want to add me,

my steam is: tommzyy or oscaar1337 (2 accounts)

skype: scotty0958

Edited by oscaar

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Age : 21

Dayz/Fps Experience : Played in a clan already on dayz but moved as they were an an american clan. Weren't on enough at the same time. Lot of fps experience playing competatively.

Why do you want to join? : I want to join a euro clan so I can play squad based play of dayz.

Where are you from? : UK

How often do you play? : Everyday almost.

Questions: Are you euro? I couldn't see any indicators in your post.

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Age : 16

Dayz/Fps Experience : 4 months of dayz. has been playing battlefield, counter strike, cod mw 2 ( every cod ofc.).

Why do you want to join? : i want to join cuz i need to try something new, and im sure this will be awesome !

Where are you from? : Denmark

How often do you play? : right now i play like, 2-3 hours a day of dayz, and in weekends its more.

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Age : 14 (Mature)

Dayz/Fps Experience : I played this game since the early stages when the mod was released, I have a lot of experience. I have also played FPS games for over 7 Years.

Why do you want to join? : Because I never joined a clan before so I wan't to start something new and with other people.

Where are you from? : United Kingdom

How often do you play? : Everyday 4+ Hours.

Edited by Cfs1998

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Age : 19

Dayz/Fps Experience : Since the beginning of DayZ/(FPS)6+ years

Why do you want to join? : Looking for a clan that i can actually play with and get some teamwork done. I am a really good sniper and i have a lot of DayZ Knowledge that could be of some use. I know where almost all vehicles are and what they may each need to repair them.

Where are you from? : California(USA)

How often do you play? : As much as i can, will play more if i get into a clan.

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Age : 24

Dayz/Fps Experience : Dayz 5 months FPS...umm Doom?

Why do you want to join? : Looking for a group that plays as a team and works together. Sick of being alone cant give myself blood after a fire fight

Where are you from? : USA

How often do you play? : alot, but id play more if i had people to play with

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Age : 15.

Dayz/Fps Experience : A month ish/About 3 years. Cod 4/5/6/7/Battlefield/Ghost recon.

Why do you want to join? : I'm better playing with a team and will do a lot better in gun fights in a team and i do not like playing solo anymore.

Where are you from? : Wales UK

How often do you play? : Whenever i have time, Most days, 4;30-Night(some days) but yeah i be on most days

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Age: 16.

Dayz/Fps Experience: Been playing for about a month, but I've watched loads of youtube before that (trurst me it helps!). Before that I have played CoD 4, MW 3, etc.

Why do you want to join?: I really enjoy getting tactical and being a sneaky bitch, but it gets hard/boring when you do it alone..

Where are you from?: I'm from Denmark (GMT +1)

How often do you play?: Pretty much every day.

I hope that you can use me! :) :)

- The lone wolf, Clueless.

Edited by Clueless

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Age : 25

Dayz/Fps Experience : Dayz 5 months but I Play Mw3 Cod Battlefield Moh so about 5 years or so

Why do you want to join? : Just bored playing alone I dont die often but id like to help out newer players.

Where are you from? : Washington

How often do you play? : 5-6 hours a day

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Age : 14

Dayz/Fps Experience : 1-2 months

Why do you want to join? : I've been playing dayz alone and doesn't seem as fun, I want to have some teammates on which I can depend on.

Where are you from? : US eastern coast

How often do you play? : Mostly during weekends, but during the week, I'm available Tuesday, Wendsday, and Friday.

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Age :16

Dayz/Fps Experience : 8 Hours of dayz and years of fps.

Why do you want to join? :Because I feel too vulerable alone.

Where are you from? :Belgium

How often do you play? :Whenever I have a team.

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Age : 17

Dayz/Fps Experience :

im a dayz vet//have like 2-3 months on it

Why do you want to join? : tired of playing alone

Where are you from? : US-NY

How often do you play? : evryday at various times

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Age : 14

Dayz/Fps Experience : I have played dayz for about half a year:)

My name is Blu in game

My real name is matthew

Email: Mattnaatt@gmail.com

Why do you want to join? : Because playing as a group is alot more fun than on your own

Where are you from? : im from the UK

How often do you play? : Depends if there is other players on:)

Edited by Blu

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  On 11/11/2012 at 3:58 PM, Blu said:

Wtf bros

u Baned me

I said i played for half a year {you were baned from the server...}

I responded to you via private mail dude, make sure to check your messages! :P

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Age : 18

Dayz/Fps Experience : dayz = 5-6months FPS = 7 years

Why do you want to join? : Been playing a long time with just a small group of friends, wanted to be in a bigger group.

Where are you from? : UK

How often do you play? : Varies... depends on Uni work. If I dont have any I'll be on.

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Age :18

Dayz/Fps Experience : 5 hours of dayz and many years of fps, rts etc.

Why do you want to join? :Because i want a group to team up with playing alone is boring as reaping the rewards is much sweeter when you have people to do it with muahahaha

Where are you from? :UK

How often do you play? :Whenever i can im in university atm but most nights i am able and weekends as well, just dont expect me not to go get drunk i am a student afterall !

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